Just A Moment

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Just A Moment


The television cast a silver-blue light across the Byers’ living room. Joyce sat in the chair to the side of the television, while Hopper and Jane occupied opposite ends of the couch.

The boys and Max had all gone to a late movie in the next town over. Jane was distraught at missing a chance to see her friends, so Hopper had worked out a compromise. The boys and Max would go out to the movie while he and Jane stayed at the Byers’ and had their own movie night with Joyce. The kids would all return for a sleepover, and the next day they would all go on an adventure together.

The next morning, they were going wake up early and drive to a state park a few hours away. It was risky, letting Jane wander around outside, but the summer was becoming more beautiful by the day, and they both hated keeping her inside. The park was another compromise: far enough away from Hawkins that no one would recognize them, but familiar enough territory for Hopper. He had visited there often as a young man, and traveled there a few weeks before to check it out. There were a few secluded picnic areas that also had good sightlines so he could keep an eye out for an ambush or anything else unexpected. So, they would all go together first thing in the morning, so they could get back well before dark, even if something went wrong.

It was almost 11:30. After a night of pizza and board games, Jane had drifted to sleep on the couch. Hopper debated between picking her up and carrying her or waking her to shuffle her into bed. She was beginning to snore, so he felt safe in assuming she wouldn’t wake up if he carried her. She was probably too old and too big for such a thing, but the ritual seemed to soothe her and Hopper was happy to provide any measure of comfort that he could.

He glanced at Joyce and nodded at Jane, letting her know his plan. He rose and picked her up carefully to carry her into Will's bedroom, where she would spend the night with Max, while the boys camped out in Jonathan’s room. He leaned down and picked up Jane from the couch carefully but firmly, making sure to let her body remain heavy with sleep so she didn’t startle awake. She was sleeping much better these days, he thought to himself as he walked steadily back the hallway.

Joyce walked quickly and stealthily around him, opening the door in front of him and turning down the bed for Jane. She paused and watched him lay her down, sliding his arms slowly out from underneath her and pulling the covers up. Jane stirred briefly and then burrowed into the pillow.

“G'night Dad,” she mumbled, not opening her eyes.

“Goodnight, Janey,” he ruffled her hair and rose, catching Joyce absolutely beaming at the two of them.

Embarrassed for being caught staring, Joyce smiled sheepishly and turned to leave the room. Hopper followed her into the living room. They settled on far ends of the couch and Joyce made sure to look at Hopper as she started to speak.

“Sorry, I wasn’t trying to gawk at you. I’m just happy things are going okay, for both of you,” she said softly, making sure to keep her voice down.

He returned her smile. “It’s okay, Joyce. I know she means a lot to you. I’m glad you think I’m taking good care of her.”

“I’m glad but I’m not surprised. Do you wanna watch Johnny Carson? The kids won’t be back for another hour at least.”

“Sure,” he said. He rose from the couch. “Do you want another beer? I’m gonna grab one.”

“That’d be great, thanks!” she got up to tune the television to the channel and then she and Hopper settled in on the couch.

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