Chapter 1

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Humans from this day and age are transfixed with time traveling. Whether or not they actually achieve it is one thing but when it is imagined, it is another. People don't realize the consequences that come with time traveling or the dangers that are associated with it.  

Here's the deal. What I am about to tell you is top secret and absolutely no one knows about this except for those involved. You can't share this story with anyone else, not even your best friend because if you do, then they will find you and do unspeakable things. 

What I am about to tell you is so important that it's going to be with you for the rest of your life and it begins like this:  

I am your everyday girl that goes to school and strives for the perfect grades but prefers to stay out of the social spotlight. Where I live is a place that everybody has heard of and is infamous for drugs and sex but still a place that celebrities hang out in and that is Hollywood. 

People had always thought that I was on drugs because when I was younger, I had no filter between what I said and what I thought and saw. I was always able to see dragons and kids always made fun of me for it. At school, they ganged up on me just to make fun of me and ridicule me.  

One day though, it took turns for the better. There was this boy with the nicest hazel eyes that I had ever seen in my life and he stood up for me one day. 

"Leave her alone!" he yelled out to the kids. "If you don't, I will have one of dragons following you around too." 

That threat seemed to have struck a chord of fear with the kids and they left me alone for the time being.  

He turned around with the biggest grin I could see a 10 year old give me. 

"Hi there," he said. "I'm Henry." 

"Hi. I'm Liz. Thank you," I replied. 

We've been friends since then but what I don't know is that he has been holding out on a secret for years. 

Now, we were in our senior year of high school and this day started out as a normal one. The teachers droned on and on about what was important in life and especially how we weren't going to use the circumference of the sun in our everyday life. I honestly wish that there was a plug somewhere that allowed for us to plug their mouths. We were currently in English, Henry and I, and it was the best subject ever invented by man. We were currently writing personal poems about things that have happened to us in the past. 

For some reason, this assignment turned out to be one of the hardest I had ever encountered. But for some reason, I had a couple of stanzas that went like this: 

Why do I try? 

People accuse us of things we did not commit 

Of actions that they themselves caused 

That they themselves brought on

They accuse us, dark skinned people, 

Of taking their jobs 

When they themselves are immigrants as well

Henry leaned over and asked, "What's that?" 

He scared the begeezus of out me and I almost jumped out of my own skin. 

"Jeez so jumpy", his husky, deep voice whispered. 

"Just concentrated," I replied in a hushed whisper. 

"Do you want to show me that?" he said as he reached over for the paper. 

I put it in my binder before his fingers even got a chance to scrape by the desk.  

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