April 12th

7 0 0

Started off the day getting around. I brushed my teeth while I was in the shower, got out, dried off, and put my clothes on. After that, still halfass asleep, I sat in front of the company with mom while she made deviled eggs. Grandma was the first to show, of course. Her internet was having issues, however, so she had to come and go from time to time. Eventually, everyone showed up and we all started talking, it was nice and fun to see everyone and hear there voices. There was one person I didnt know was going to be there that ultimately made my decision easier to leave; I had been talking with everyone for a hour or two before I left.
I did get a little drunk during that. I was laughing my ass off and stumbling over everything. That was most definitely the highlight of my day. I feel fine now, a bit tired and a mild headache, but I'm sure I'll be fine in the morning. I said some embarrassing shit that I probably shouldn't have, but it was funny at the moment and didn't have any repercussions.
With all of that being said, it was a great day. That's all for this entry. Signing off.

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