April 17th

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Today really pissed me off. I got the coke factory set up. Now, I was under the impression that the guy I hired for the coke factory at the nightclub would pay for the supplies the same way the cargo guy does. However, that is not the case and every 10 minutes I have to go and steal supplies to make coke. This took ALL day to get a full stock, from the moment I got up to 12am. On top of that, I then have to run back to the nightclub every 15 minutes to make sure the popularity is high enough to make good money, if not I have do the promoting jobs. To do anything with the coke, I have to be in a online lobby; with other people. Heres the issue with that; people like to be assholes and blow up my supplies or vehicle's for no reason. I've got some dickhead riding up to me on a flying motorcycle while I'm in a blimp. What's mr. Dickhead On A Flying Motorcycle do you may ask? Well of course, he blows me the fuck up!
Everything I did today was targeting on getting money to get the upgrades for the coke factory. I swear, I better be shitting hundred dollar bills by the end of this. So annoying.
Other than that, mom got a rc car from the store to play with. It's pretty fun, but doesn't turn very well. My brother, who is younger than me and wants to be an engineer, managed to fix the issue with the turning by taking out a few parts and adjusting a few other parts. Surprisingly, he actually improved it.
That's it for this entry. Signing off.

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