➰Chapter XXIII➰

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Chapter XXIII

Magnus smiled as he observed his old photo album with nostalgia, flipping through the pages. He had been occupying these last few days to merging both his and Alec's pictures into one album, trying his best to match the themes on each picture to reflect their connection. It was silly, however, that pictures like Alec's first bicycle ended up next to Magnus's first motorbike, given how he didn't exactly have many memories from his own childhood like Alec did.

The smile slowly faded from his lips, as he thought it again. He didn't have any memories from his childhood, at least not any worth remembering. Having been born into such an unfortunate existence, where he'd been forced to survive on his own with barely any people that cared about him for so long... He shook his head. That was all in the past, right? He hadn't been alone in a rather long time now, anyway. Ever since Jocelyn Fairchild walked into his club... Ever since little Leah Rollins first called him 'Uncle Magnus'... Ever since he met and married the love of his life, he'd had everything he could possibly want. So what was the point of being stuck in the past anymore?

Except he wasn't stuck in the past. No, right now, he was dealing with a far scarier concept, something he, an immortal being, had always tried to avoid thinking about. He was thinking about the future. A six-letter word that meant little to immortals like warlocks or vampires, but meant everything to mortals. He was starting to contemplate his own future with Alec, and he found himself knowing exactly what he pictured it as.

"Hey there," Alec's voice startled him out of his thoughts, as he walked towards him and caressingly pecked his lips. "You still working on the albums?"

Magnus shook his head, closing the album and placing it on the table. "I finished a few hours ago. Remind me to thank Maryse for the pictures."

"I wouldn't worry about it. She loves arts and crafts," Alec replied, smiling at him.

Magnus tried smiling back, but his sad thoughts broke into his mind once again. He hoped that Alec wouldn't notice, but he knew better than to not expect him to figure him out. Alec always knew when something was wrong. The fact that he knew him better than anyone he'd met in his hundreds of years on this earth, was both the best and the worst thing about Alec. Sometimes, he wished he were a bit better at disguising how he felt, so as to not worry him for something silly like this.

"Magnus... What's going on?" Alec asked with a frown. Magnus shook his head, forcing a sad smile.

"Nothing. Really, I'm fine."

"We both know that you're a terrible liar," Alec retorted, raising an eyebrow. He gently cupped his face with his hands, staring into his eyes with his bright hazel orbs. "Come on. You know that you can tell me anything."

Magnus nodded, letting out a sigh. There was no point in pretending that something wasn't bothering him. Besides, the whole thing seemed so silly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. It's just... Well, I guess I realized something while I was putting this all together."

"Really?" Alec asked, rubbing his cheek with his thumb gently. It had been years since the first time he did it, but it had the same effect on Magnus. Alec's gentle touch always made him feel like there was nobody else in the world, at least no one else that mattered half as much as he did. "Tell me."

"It's stupid."

"Maybe not."

"I'll sound stupid if I say it."

"You'll sound more stupid if you don't," Alec retorted playfully, giving him an amused smile. "Come on... What could possibly be so ba--"

"I want to have a baby."

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