➰Chapter XXXVII➰

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Chapter XXXVII

The battle should've ended right after the death of the Seelie Queen. But sadly, it didn't. Although many Seelie knights willingly surrendered after they heard the news, some others did not. It took a little more time, but they were defeated after losing most of their fighters. The Dark Shadowhunters, however, didn't seem to notice or care about the absence of the Queen. Clearly, these guys were set on autopilot for their killing spree.

"Jace! Leah!" Magnus said, once they joined them at the main plaza. There were wounded Shadowhunters and Downworlders all around, and many were trying their best to heal each other's injuries. 

Leah was surprised when she noticed Andrea was among the wounded, with a cut that looked very similar to Jace's. Probably done with the same poison. Max, Mina, Walt, Isabelle, Clary and Alec were there too. Leah was thankful that they were all alive, but the battle was not over yet. From where she was standing, she could hear the cries of the fighting right outside, probably coming from both the remaining Shadowhunter and Downworlders fighting against the Dark Shadowhunters.

"I can make an antidote for both Andrea and Jace's injuries, but it will take me some time. Besides, we have a bigger issue in our hands," Magnus began, his tone eerily serious. "We're losing Alicante. If the Dark Shadowhunters get ahold of the Glass City, they will essentially have the power over every important magical item in the world."

"They will have the power to destroy everything," Mina agreed. "No human or Downworlder will be safe from the destruction. These Dark Shadowhunters... It's like they are empty inside. They destroy for the sake of destroying."

"Like zombies from a really bad 90s movie," Simon noted with a shudder. "How do we stop them?"

"We tried configuring the Demon Towers with the sample from the Dark Cup, but the program won't respond. It goes against its preset protocol, so it refuses to cooperate," Max said with a sigh.

"Then we have no choice. We need to get all the Downworlders away from the city," Leah began, turning to Clary and Magnus. "You two make sure to gather every single person capable of creating a Portal and get everyone out of here."

"What are you going to do?" Alec questioned with a frown.

"I'm going to blow up the Towers. That way, everything demonic in its path will die out, including the Dark Shadowhunters. You need to make sure you get every single Downworlder out before I do."

"No... The Towers are on the other side of the city. It's too dangerous..." Jace complained with a painful groan.

"You shut up and rest. Magnus, please make sure he and Andrea get better."

"I'll stay with you and fight," Clary offered, but Leah shook her head.

"No. You're the only Shadowhunter capable of creating Portals, Clary. You need to help with the evacuation. Izzy, Alec, you go with Mina and Walt outside the city walls and herd the rest of the Dark Shadowhunters inside, that way we can get them all at once."

"That's suicide. Leah, you are in no condition to fight through the entire city on your own," Isabelle began. "It's not--"

"I'll go with her," Max suggested. He briefly glanced at his wounded brother and smiled. "I promise to keep her out of trouble."

"Don't make promises we all know you won't be able to keep," Jace retorted with annoyance. 

"We'll be fine. We need to act fast. We can't lose this war," Leah said with a sigh. "We've gotten through so much together, guys. We can get through this the same way."

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