The Encounter

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So before we begin the picture up there is Kaito!

This here, with black hair is Yuki

This here, with black hair is Yuki

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"Alright mom. I'm coming." You say in a rather annoyed tone, as you proceeded to throw out the trash.

"Well maybe if you werent in bed all day and did something actually produ-

"Mom!! Stop, I've had enough, all you do is complain about me all day, clean your room, do the dishes, take out the trash, blah blah blah. Can you stop?!"

"Don't talk to me like that, maybe if you werent such a shut in and started to pay attention at school, I wouldn't have to work my ass off all day to pay for your tuition."




Every morning it was like this. You'd wake up only find your mother complaining about something, specifically you.

You see, you currently attend this private highschool. Typically, those who attended there had some sort of wealth carried along their names and your mom being strictly keen on your education had but enough when your grades didn't meet her standards.

"What about last week, you got a B+ on your math test?!" (yolo I wish I could do that irl ptff)

"Omg, mom. . ." I utter, feeling stressed by all this pressure. It's my final year in highschool and just want to enjoy it for a change. All the frustration eventually made its way up to your eyes. . .




"Talk, to me!" You mother said in a rather demanding tone.

"Shut up!!" You scream out loud.

"Don't you have some respect?!"

You soon feel a sting across your right cheek, she slapped you.

You turn around making your way to school, muttering under your breath.

"God, give me a break. It's barely morning"

You turn to check the time.

8:08 am

"Crap, imma be late." You then run to the nearest station and barely made it on time.

"Well, well saved by the bell." your bestfriend Aki grines scanning your appearance.

"What happened to your cheek?, your mom again?" She asked you worriedly.

"No, no. I'm fine" you smiled not wanting to bother her with your problems.

"Alright, but I'm here if you ever need anything!"

"Heyoo! Itssa me"

"Kaito!!" You shriek as he hug you from behind.

He was touchy to say the least, but he meant well.

Yandere Male X Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now