Escape 1

455 8 30

You hear Yuki screaming out in pain.

Apparently Kaito's got the knife now.

You sit still, not being able to move a inch.

"I'm scared. What if they hurt me?"

All this uncertainty started giving you anxiety.

You keep hearing screams until 3 little words made you come back to senses.

"I love her"




"Ya- yamete!!" You scream, but it proved to be pointless.

This fight wouldnt end until one of them was died.

"If I run away, maybe I could go to the nearest police station and inform them of my situation."

"Don't you dare do it, (y/n~chan)"

They could read your moves like a book. They both knew what you were thinking.

"Or else it won't end nicely for you."

They were threatening you? Building up the courage to stand, you make a run for it.

"I can't just sit there and wait for this be over, best keep my chances"

Kaito and Yuki took note of this and stopped for a brief moment.

"Im not letting you run away,

You hear them calling after you, not wanting to look back you keep running and running.

"Where am I?"

Kaito observed as your figured went off into the wilderness.

Yuki took advantage of this and grabbed the knife Kaito held to stab

"Ahah, hwhaha. Looks like I won."

All Kaito could think about was you and him living together in peace, feeling devastated and hurt you left him. He swore that if reincarnation existed he would make you his even if it meant killing you.

"Perhaps in another life." He thought.

And there Kaito laid with what little air he had left to say

"Fuck you", to Yuki-kun. This amused him.

"Look how pitiful you look," he said as he went off running to find you.

"(Y/n)~chan, where are you?" ( ; ; )

"Does (Y/n)~chan not love me anymore?"

"No, no she has to! She's just playing hard to get."

"Huehue, I found you" (✧ω✧)


You jump up, just how did he manage to find you so fast?!

"Tsk tsk tsk, I know what your thinking, God you're so silly

You look at him confused, Yuki-kun points to his phone. It then occured to you he hacked your phone?!!!

Yuki extends his hand out right in front of you, "now stand up."

A) reject him

B) comply

Choice A:

You stay silent for a few moments and pull him to the ground causing him to lose balance which resorts to a fall.

Yandere Male X Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now