A new life?

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It's been 5 days since kaito has kidnapped you.

Growing impatient by your refusal to eat and your rebellious actions; Kaito decided to take matter into his own hands.

"(Y/n)~chan eat your food."

"(Y/n)~chan talk to me!"

"(Y/n)~chan answer me!"

Silence . . .

All you could do was think, think, and think. Honestly, you felt like you were going insane.

"I want to go outside"
You hadn't seen sunlight or felt fresh air in days, you craved the outside world.

"(Y/n)~chan, you know I can't do that"
Kaito says as he examines your figure. He knows it's only been a few days but you already looked so fatigued, he suppose it was from the lack of nutrition.


Not wanting to anger him anymore than what he already was. You respond to him.


After days of not hearing your voice, Kaito is moved by this sweet sensation. It's almost as if the angels themselves were calling to him from up above.

(Y/n)- chan. Lets clean you up~

You back away from Kaito.

"No, no. Let me go, please stop this."

You knew this wasn't going to end well.

You plead Kaito to stop, but he forcefully held you down and continued to tear off your clothes.

"No need to be so shy~"

In the midst of all this choas, you slap Kaito across the face.

That was your worst mistake.

"I've had but enough of you treating me like this. I gave you food, love. What more could you want?! I guess I'll do it the hard way."

Kaito finishes tearing off what little clothing you had left, leaving you completely naked.

"Damn, you're stunning" Kaito kisses your lips, as a stand of slava connects the two of you, he then slides his hand down your body massaging your breast.

"Hna~ s-stop" You moan in disgust by this pleasure.

"I want you (y/n)~chan"

Not wanting things to escalate further you grab the nearest object that you could find and yeets a shampoo bottle towards his head.

I mean, I'm sure it hurt, but c'mon reader~chan you can do better than that :<

But did it work?


Feeling all the more aggravated Kaito pinned you down, his nails piercing through your skin causing you to cry out in pain.

"Someone please, anyone save me."

Just then the door opens. It was

"Yuki!!!" you call out his name.

Kaito turns around, and felt a sharp sensation.

"Not bad of a punch, but I can do better." Kaito stands up coughing out blood.

Yuki's main concern was getting you out of here, stund by your appearance he questions Kaito.

"What the hell did you do to her?"

"Well, we were having fun but a certain someone interrupted us."

"(Y/n)~chan is crying, does that look like fun to you?" Yuki raises his fist into the air, mounting his body foward; he punches Kaito across the face.

"Never said she would enjoy it." Kaito says with a smirk as he knees Yuki in the stomach.

Its been about 5 minutes of fighting and none had the intention of stopping.

"I'll kill you!!!"   They both said a loud.

You took this time to put some clothes on, seeing both of their bloody figures had you feeling queasy.

All you thought about was making it out of here alive, you'll transfer schools or something, anywhere would be fine as long as it wasn't around these two.

Yuki pulled out his knife. Kaito, however, didn't seem faced by this one bit.

"I've known (y/n)~chan for a very long time now. I'm not going to stand still and let some idiot steal her away from me. If only you hadn't shown up everything would be perfect!"

Yuki, by this point, was desperately trying to kill Kaito and replied

"I've watched (y/n)~chan sleep, eat, cook, bathe. I know more about her than what little years you've known her."

"(Y/n) is everything to me!!"

You stare in awe, speechless. For how long have they felt like this? You wanted the fighting to stop.

Scared, you could barely move an inch by this point.

Tears rolled down your cheeks, the memories of your childhood with Kaito and Aki and the time spent with your parents before the divorced, when everything was normal.

"What good old times those were."

"I just wanted to live a normal life with friends and a loving family."

"Just why?"

All you could do was wait for the madness to end, but now you were  entangeled in a trap of desires. A desire, that would stop at nothing to have you.

Yandere Male X Reader {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now