Escape 2

390 8 28

Kaito observed as your figured went off into the wilderness.

Yuki took advantage of this to stab Kaito, which he succeeded.

Or so he thought.

Kaito had trick Yuki into believing this and when his back was turn, he slid his throat. Blood oozing out in every direction.

"Haha, you really thought I would lose that easily."

Yuki, realizing how this could potentially caused him his life, tries to bring down Kaito along with him which only results in the knife being pludge deeper into his throat.

He was gone.

"But man that idiot sure can fight, a few seconds late and who know's what could've happened. But who care about that now."

"(Y/n)~chan, where are you?"
(๑ơ ₃ ơ)♥

You see Kaito from afar it appears he hasn't noticed you yet.

A) You hide behind a tree, waiting for the clear then make a run for it.

B) You keep running, don't stop. It's now or never.

A) You quickly run to hide behind a tree, trying to cover your breath. Man, you've felt like you had ran a marathon.

"(Y/n)~chan, please come out." :<

"Don't you love me?" Kaito plead.

It was pure silent, all you would hear would be the gust of wind that brushed your soft skin. You felt cold. Shivering, your teeth started to clatter.

Kaito knows where you are.

1) Stay where you are

2) Run for it

Choice 1:

You gasp, "Oh, shit."

"Ohh, yes, my sweet dandelion." ( ˘ ³˘)

You begin to cry thinking, "I've been caught? I don't want to be locked up again, I want to be free!!"

Kaito walks towards your directions and finds

"A bunny?" Apparently he found a patch of bunnies. All they hopped in circles, creating quite a noise. They looked like they were dancing.

Kaito was annoyed by this small ordeal, since it caused him to waste time in his search for you, with that he heads further into the forest.

"Oh, God..." Fearing for your life, you gather up all that adrenaline and head to the nearest police station.

"I almost got caught."

While there, you explain to the cops your situation. Judging by your state, they instantly sent troops to where Kaito held you hostage.

About 15 minutes later.

Eagerly waiting for his capture, the cops, (meanwhile) inform you of your mother.

It appears it was murder. You weren't shock at all. After everything that happened, the cops use this evidence to press even more charges onto Kaito.

You, honestly, didn't care who did it.

"I just wanted to be free, I was so tired of being treated like sh*t all my life.

You decided, once this was over, to live the best life possible which you did. Kaito, apparently commited suicide. The thought of not being able to stand by your side killed him.

"I loved her." Were his last words.

Good ending

Choice B, also option 2

You figured it was now or never. You desperately run like you never before had in your entire life.

Seeing the city road up ahead brought a smile across your face.

"I've made it"

Or so you thought.

Kaito appeard from behind and stabbed your leg, using the knife from earlier. You fell to the floor losing all hope you had left.

You cry in pain, "hah. No no, please!"

"(Y/n)~chan, you really should learn not to defy me like this again."

He shoves the knife in deeper causing you to groan in even more pain.

"Whoops~! My hand slipped."  He says with a huge grin forming across his lips.

"Now let's go back home and carry out our fun~! (Y/n)-chan!"

Your life became a living hell, you'd wished you had died instead of coming back to this place.

Kaito would do whatever he wanted with you, constantly kissing and touching you.

"(Y/n)~chan, you know, if you ever leave me again. Ill kill you"

"I love you, (Y/n)~chan"

Already knowing what he would do to you if you didnt say it back, you started to cry.

"I love you as well, Kaito-kun."

Bad ending.

Let me know what you guys think! Like and comment! (。≖ˇ3ˇ≖。)

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