I'm Venice.

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Ughh. I'm up. Another day of disrespect and 6 other women in the house who hates my guts.
I'm Venice. Venice Martini. I'm 5'2 with brown, long, straight hair, tan colored eyes, and light skin. I'm 21 years old and still not out of my moms house! She won't let me out! I have 5 older sisters, named Avionnce,26, Priya, 25, Sabi, 24, Zhane, 23, and Champagne, 22. They all have dirty blonde, straight hair, that goes down to the bottom of their butt, light blue eyes, and Mexican type skin. They are so pretty, it's crazy, but their personalities are horrible. Why do they have types in guys? They want a guy who is 6'2, he has to play basketball and only basketball, he has to dress really nice, and he can't have hair. They are all fighting over some guy we live by named Kalin White. Ughh.
I have no type. I just want a guy who is nice, respectful, funny, and most importantly, loves and accepts me. The people I live with don't accept me. My mom has rules for me in the house:
1: Can't eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner before everyone, I have to wait after they eat.
2: Can't go downstairs, under any circumstance
3: Can't go out of the house, under any circumstance
4: I have 20 minutes to eat everyday
"You can eat breakfast now! You have 20 minutes to finish your breakfast and you have to be back in your room right after! Hurry up, ugly nobody!" My mom yells to me. My nickname is "The Ugly Nobody." Just because I have brown hair and different colored eyes and I'm very short, doesn't mean that I'm ugly!
I go downstairs and get Frosted Flakes. "Nope! Those are mine! Get yours, it is all the way in the back!" Priya yells in my face. Everyone has their own cereal box and mine is...... Corn Flakes. They buy me the plain cereal. No fair. I wish someone could save me from this hell I'm living in! "Hurry up!! If you're not gonna eat, go upstairs and wait for lunch!" Sabi yells pulling my hair. I fix my cereal and eat. Then my Aunt Rosalyn comes in with my cousin Eric and my Uncle Val. "Hey family!!" They yell as they walk in.
"What are you doing here?" I look up and it is My Aunt Rosalyn. "You ugly devil! Go upstairs!! You are so ugly, I don't wanna see you!!" She yells. Tears fill my eyes. "Are you about to cry? Is this ugly devil gonna cry?" She yells. She pulls my hair with her strong hands and throws me on the floor. She punches me and kicks me and throws me everywhere. I run upstairs with everyone laughing at me.
I shut and lock the door behind me and cry on the floor. "Why do they treat me like this all the time?" I say still crying. I hate my life honestly. I put my ear by the door and listen to their conversation. "Now, everyone, since that devil is finally upstairs, who wants to go the mall??" Everyone yells in excitement, which makes me cry even more.
Once they leave the house, I open my window and look out. I have never been outside, honestly. All the kids get to have fun and enjoy themselves while I'm up here. Alone.
There is that boy, always staring at me. He has brown hair like me, brown eyes, and he looks like he is 5'6. Everyday when I am home alone and I look out the window, he stares at me. What is his deal?

Myles's POV

I am outside with Tyler, Connor, Cameron, Kalin, and Ryan. It feels so good to be back from tour. Just relaxing and enjoying ourselves. I look up and I see the beautiful girl looking out the window. Dang, she is beautiful. She is probably one of God's best creations ever. She has long brown hair with the most prettiest eyes I have ever seen. I wanna talk to her so bad, but she seems too shy. "Dude, everyday we come out here, you stare at that house! What's so special about it?" Cam says to me. "I'm not staring at the house, I'm staring at the beautiful girl in the house. Don't you see her? Bro, she's an angel." I say. The boys roll their eyes at me. I just keep staring at the girl. I can't keep my eyes off her. She's so beautiful. So beautiful.

Venice's POV

That guy, why is he staring at me? I'm not pretty at all, so what's the point in staring at me. Everyday when I look out the window, he looks up and stairs at me. He often points at me so his friends can notice me. What is his problem? I don't even know him.

Uh oh. My family is back! Gotta get back in bed! I run to my bed and pretend that I'm sleeping. "Wake up! Come and eat lunch! 20 minutes! Let's go!" Avionnce yells. She slams the door in my face as I was trying to exit. Why can't my family just accept me, for who I am?

Myles's POV

Damn, she left! Ughhh. That girl is so beautiful. She looks lonely and sad though. And she has bruises on her face. Her family probably tortures her. Everyday, I sit on my front porch and relax. I also wait til I see the beautiful girl. I just sit, relax, wait, and listen to the peace and quiet around me. But everyday, from the beautiful girl's house, I hear beating, laughing, crying, screaming, smashing, glass breaking, stomping, and so many more noises.
I wonder if the beautiful girl is okay.

Venice, The Lost Sister (Myles Parrish FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now