I Just Realized.... I Was Kidnapped.

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Venice's POV

"Hey Myles, I'm going to spend the day with Madison Beer, just letting you know." I tell Myles. He pulls me to the kitchen. "Babe, I think you and Madison could be related. You two look just alike! What did she tell you last night?" He asked.

"She told me that she used to have an identical twin sister. Her name was Melissa. She thinks I'm her. I had no idea what she was talking about. I felt bad." I responded looking down. Myles holds my head up and kisses my lips. "I hope you get to know each other a lot more today. Don't feel bad. It's okay." He says making me smile. I give him a kiss and a big hug. Then I call Madison.

When she comes to get me, we find ourselves staring at each other again. I feel sparks going through my body again. I really feel like I've seen her before. "Hey! How are you?" She says. "I'm fine! You?" I ask back giving her a hug and I feel the sparks again. Where do I know her from? This is all messing up my head?

"Where do you wanna go?" Madison asks me. "I don't really know. I just moved here." I say. "How about Tapioca Express!" She says making me smile. "I love Thai Tea!" We both say at the same time. We laugh and get into her car.
She turns on KAM's music and we sing together.

🎶Everybody gotta get it started from the bottom even if we hit a couple problems!🎶

We sing and laugh. Madison is really funny and nice. I love everything about her.

Once we get to Tapioca Express, we get Thai Tea and we sit outside and talk. "So, do you have any siblings?" She asks me. "Yes. I have 5 older sisters named Avionnce, Sabi, Priya, Champagne, and Zhane. I swear they were so mean to me, ever since I was 6. My mom Rhiannon brought me home and they all tortured me."

Madison's POV

She was tortured by her mom and sisters. I remember in the school shooting, the woman had dirty blonde hair and was tall. She looked Italian to me. And her name is Rhiannon. I have to ask more questions.

"What does your mom look like?" I ask.
"She has dirty blonde hair and she is pretty tall. She's Italian." She responds. I immediately had a flashback of that day.

When the lady first saw us, I grabbed Melissa's hand and we ran so fast. Rhiannon chased after us. We ran into the girls bathroom and we soon realized that she lost us. Melissa and I were the only two kids in the entire building who was still alive.
"I'm so scared!" Melissa screamed crying. I cried with her. "It's okay Mel. I love you sister." I said to her. We were in the bathroom crying.
Then, Rhiannon broke into the stall and pointed the gun directly at me. "Stop, you have to shoot me first!" Melissa jumped in front of me. She shot her in the head. "Noooo!" I screamed. She shot me in the leg and carried Melissa out.

*End of flashback*

I snap out of the flashback and I feel the pain in my leg. "Ouch!" I yelled. "Are you alright?" Venice asked me. "Your name is not Venice! Your name is Melissa! Do you remember me? I'm your identical twin sister." I say crying. She cries with me. "I don't remember." She says. We hug and I feel sparks again. I know her. She doesn't remember me.

It is now 11:30. We went to the arcade and the mall. Just to take our minds of what happened earlier.
"That was so much fun Maddie! I hope we can do this again tomorrow or something!" Venice says to me. "I'd love to hang out again! Love Ya sister!" I tell her. "Love you too sister!" She says giving me a hug.

Venice's POV

Madison and I are sisters. We were in the same class, Mrs. Davis's class. It was Fun Friday and we all were in class eating popcorn and candy, watching a movie.

It was time for a bathroom break and we walk to the drinking fountain for some water. We all here shooting all of a sudden. We all gasp. What's going on.
The bully, Malique, thought he was all tough and he went around the corner to see what was going on. Everyone in the other classes walked out of their classrooms, yelling at Malique to stop.
Malique was then shot and a woman comes down the hallway with a gun. Everyone runs and she chases after everyone.

Within the first 10 minutes of the shooting, all teachers were shot. Even the principal. We look around and all kids were shot. Madison and I are the only kids alive. We see the woman come running after us and Madison grabs my hand we run fast!
We run into the first stall of the girls bathroom and we start crying. "I'm so scared!" I cry out. "Its okay Mel. I love you sister." She says crying with me. Then the lady walks in. She looked just like.... Rhiannon.
She points the gun directly at Madison and I jump in front of her. "Stop! You have to shoot me first!" I yell. She shoots me in my head.

*End of dream*

I wake up screaming with a sharp pain in my head. Debbie, Myles, and Jake walk in with a scared look on their face. "Babe, are you okay?! Why were you screaming and why is your head bleeding?!" Myles asks me.
I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom. My forehead is bleeding a lot. It hurts so bad.

"Oh my gosh! Madison was right! I'm her twin sister! Rhiannon kidnapped me! She shot me in my head and took me away when I was six!!"
I am screaming and crying right now. This dream is real.

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