chapter 7

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Izuku POV

I think if my eyes narrowed anymore, they'd be permanently stuck that way. I forced all of my annoyance into a single glare, and I didn't hold back when I directed it at Uraraka.

She released her hold of me, rolling off of me to lay on the ground next to me. She smiled innocently and placed my phone back into my hand with a light smack.

"Now, what's that look for? I got him to agree, didn't I?"

I huffed, rolling my eyes. More like bullied him into agreeing and leaving him with no choice... but, I digress.

Her chocolate colored eyes flicked over to the clock hanging on the wall above the stove, now slightly crooked from our small wrestling match. I'm not sure if I was proud of her for being so strong, or embarrassed that she could completely kick my ass. Definitely embarrassed. Especially knowing that Kachaan heard everything. Ughhhh. Kill me.

"Well, it's almost 6:30 now, guess I should get to cooking dinner. I'm interested to see how Bakugo is now. Why don't you go... clean yourself up, huh? You look a mess" she stood from her place next to me on the floor, brushing herself off before offering a hand to help me up from the floor.

I grunted in response, closing my eyes and rolling on to my stomach away from her touch. I threw my arms out dramatically, sighing as they smacked against the cool tile floor of the kitchen.

"No, go away. Leave me alone to die"

My speech was muffled due to my face being pressed against the floor, but I couldn't bring myself to care. All I wanted to do was lay in my puddle of embarrassment, and melt into the floor. Judging by the laugh that rumbled in her throat, I knew Uraraka heard me.

She nudged me with her foot, no doubt trying not to roll her eyes at the lump of dramatics before her. "Cmon, you big baby, get UP. Shower. Put on some clean clothes. GeT OUT oF mY KiTcHen!" She finishes her sentence with a shriek.

I rose to my feet, reluctantly. "Fine" I mumbled. I drug my sock clad feet across the floor, shoulders slumped as I made my way from the kitchen. As I walked towards the bathroom, I called over my shoulder "but I'm wearing a T-shirt, and you can't stop me!!!"

I heard Uraraka yell her objections at me as I shut the door quickly.

Time seemed to drag on as I waited for Kachaan and his friend to arrive. After finishing my shower, I decided to go ahead and get dressed. I decided to wear a pair of black ripped jeans and an oversized, faded All Mite superhero t-shirt. I slipped on a new pair of socks, these ones had little sushi's all over them. Uraraka had gotten them for me a few Christmases ago.

I decided to mess around with my guitar to help the time pass by. I grabbed it from its place next to my bed, I ran my hands along the smooth wood, smiling softly at the feeling. I played a few random chords to warm up my hands before practicing some new songs, along with some older ones i've known for a while.

I could feel every worry slip away as my fingers plucked melodiously at the strings. Time didn't exist to me when I played music.

I must have lost track of time completely though, because I was singing along softly to cherry wine, a song by Hozier. My eyelashes rested against my cheeks, shoulders slightly swaying along to the soft sounds being produced by the strings. I finished the song, jumping in surprise when I heard a loud clap sound from my bedroom door.

I snapped my eyes open to see Uraraka had been the one clapping, standing in my doorway with a proud smile on her face. Normally, I don't mind her sneaking up on me like this, I know she enjoys when I play music and sing. But my face quickly heated when I realized that she wasn't alone.

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