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Ophiuchus pov
I sigh as we finished the video. Pisces edited it before sending it.
"make it look cool," aries told pisces as he looked over his shoulder.

I rolled my eyes at him before walking over to the siblings. I would feel bad for them but not after they took Cancer.

I ripped the tape off their mouths making them flinch. Virgo was glaring at me while libra just stared at her lap. Its like they had changed behavior with each other.

"why do you want our weapons?" I asked. Virgo continued glaring at me but stayed quiet.
I faced Libra instead, "why do you want our weapons?" I lifted her chin with my index finger so she'd be looking me in the eyes.

"I'm not telling you shit," she said though tears.

"you know, I could let you die from blood loss if I want... Why. Do. You. Want. Our. Weapons?" my comment probably scared her but she didn't say anything. She turned to look at her brother for an answer.

Virgo looked at her thigh to see how bad it was.
He sighed before saying, "the Russians threatened my father.. Said they would kill us if we didn't get the weapons," I was shocked to say the least but Libra looked as shocked.

"what! Why didn't father tell me! Merda! We are gonna die either way then!" libra freaked out.

"this is why he didn't tell you," Virgo mumbled.

"what about Cancer? Is she ok?" Pisces asked. I had forgotten Pisces and Aries were still here.

"yes.. I only said that we would hurt her so that you would be quick to give us the weapons. We didn't touch a hair," Virgo confessed.

Pisces and Aries looked relieved. I already knew this. There was no point on hurting Cancer without us knowing. Unlike us, since we showed them we would be merciless with them.

"Pisces tell leo to bring the first aid kit," I said. "come with me Aries,"

On the way to Ramello's office I bumped into Leo.
"what did you need the first aid kit for?" Leo asked me, blushing lightly.

"Scorpio shot the girl remember? As much as she wants her dead she's kinda inocent..."

"oh.. Why? How?" she asked.

"I'll explain later. Help Libra with her wound please," I kissed her forehead as a thank you, plus that would make her blush again.

Aries smirked at our akward moment.
"I bet you are her crush!" aries said remembering what Sagittarius had said.

"congratulations Aries, you're the last person to find out" I said sarcastically.

"wait, you knew! Why haven't you done anything?" aries asked dumbfounded.

"I'll ask her out when Cancer isn't in danger," i told him. He just nodded, his smirk never leaving his face. Truth is I like how flustered Leo gets when shes around me.

I knocked twice before I heard Ramello let us in, "the video is done. Pisces is sending it right now"

"good job Ophiuchus.."

"i-we also got some information from them. Virgo said that the Russians threatened them. Said if they don't get our weapons they'll kill them,"

Ramello hummed in response, "i knew Draco wouldn't just betray me like that but he should've said something to me. We could've worked it out.."

"oh, well. Thank you boys,"he dismissed us.

" you're like a son to him you know," aries said.

"does it bother you?" I asked genuinely. Aries shook his head, "of course not!"

The reason I had been acting weird these days was because of the ball. The last ball I attended was the worst day of my life. The Russian mafia wanted to kill Ramello but my parents sacrificed themselves in order to save them.
My parents were too devoted to their job.

Ramello promised he would take care of me like his own son before my parents died.
I had seen everything. From the Russians shooting ten bullets to my parents, to hearing his promise.

Gem's pov

8 hours without Libra and Virgo and everyone was going crazy. Mini was mumbling curse words in Italian, Taurus drank Libra's champagne in her room, Aquarius had been extremely quiet, Capricorn was taking it surprisingly well. He became Virgo. And I have been trying to light up the mood but it ends up being too inappropriate and they don't laugh. Instead they glare at me.

When Mini showed the video to Rossi, he was furious. His grip on the glass shattered it completely.
"we will give her the girl. I'm not letting them touch them anymore," he shook his head.

"what about the Russians?" I asked softly.

"the Russians can go fuck themselves. They should've gone for the weapons themselves," he growled.

We nodded before leaving.
"that was scary..." Mini said.

It was Thursday, which meant we would go see them tomorrow. I guess they were eager to get Cancer back as much as we want Libra and Virgo back.

I went over to Libra's room, knowing Taurus would be there. He stood in her balcony as he drank her pink champagne.
"Taurus? We'll get her back. Both of them," i assured him. He nodded as if he believed me, but if he had he wouldn't be drinking her stuff in her room. That was pretty dramatic if you ask me. She goes away for eight hours and he acts like she's dead.

"she'll be mad when she sees all of her champagne bottles empty," I reminded him.

Taurus' eyes lit up, "thank God for home delivery!" he sighed. He got his phone out and I heard him order an extreme amount of pink champagne bottles.

"you sure know how to treat a woman, huh?" this time he laughed. Took long enough!

I would make it my goal to get everyone to smile today.

I made my way to Capricorn's room. I walked in without knocking but he wasn't doing anything he wouldn't want me to see. He still glared at me.

" smile for me," I was pretty straightforward. Capricorn rolled his eyes at me before his eyes returned to the book he was reading. I leaned over to i could see what book he was reading. I leaned to much to the side that I fell, but it was worth it for two reasons.
1)Capricorn smiled
2)he was reading the outsiders, my favorite book.

"you haven't read that book yet?" I asked him. I took a seat next to him on the bed.
"it's my fifth time reading this book," Capricorn admitted.

"you remind me of Darry," I told him. He smiled again.

"alright.. Get out now," he flipped me off.

I wouldn't go to Mini because I make her smile with just appearing (sarcasm). I went over to Aqua's room but she was not there.
I went to the garden because that's her favorite place to sit and relax.

I saw her sitting next to the enormous fountain. She was drawing.
I took a seat next to her, quietly.

She was drawing the mansion and the garden.

"you're really good," I complimented. She looked up at me with a small smile on her face. And I'm good at making people smile.

"why are you here Gem?" she asked me.

"you shouldn't be alone on times like these..." the atmosphere was very nice, I could even say romantic.

It was a sunny day but there were a couple of clouds. The sound of birds chirping and the water from the fountain made it a relaxing place to rest.
We were alone in this beautiful place. Perfect spot for making out.

We were still staring into each others eyes. I glanced down at her lips before looking back at her eyes. She blushed but didn't look away. I held her face with my left hand, leaning slowly just to tease her.

I forgot who I was dealing with, because she noticed my slow movement and pressed her lips against mine.

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