Chapter 3

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Meanwhile in Rapunzel's room, Karina was braiding Rapunzel's hair. Sorta like how Cass did Rapunzel's hair in the series.
Eugene was walking back and forth saying, "This is impossible. We collided the moonstone and the Sundrop 5 years ago." Varian saw Karina and Karina saw Varian. They both were scared from last night.
Karina told everyone, "Guys. I want to tell you what happened last night. I sorta wished Rapunzel have her hair back and my eyes were glowing black. It was scary and I also began to hear voices." That made the room silence and made Varian wondered.
"That is also impossible," Eugene said. "Why did your eyes glowed black?"
Karina said, "I don't know, but I think it might have to do something about her hair. I am sorry, Raps.". Karina got done with her hair and Rapunzel turned around.
She said, "I forgive you, Kazzy."
Qurin asked, "Wait, do you hear that?"
It was silent until they heard a shout from a girl saying, "Queen Rapunzel! Varian! Karina!"
Rapunzel whispered, "That's Kayla." Qurin was confused, but he was about to meet her. They all ran out the room and head downstairs. Once they got downstairs, they saw Kayla being grabbed by Pete and Stan. Kayla kicked Stan at the face and made him pass out.
"Unhand her, Pete," Rapunzel said.
He said, "But she is an intruder. She should go to jail." Kayla was grunting and trying to pull away from him, but he was too hard to budge.
"She is our new friend and she is Lance's younger sister.," Karina said right behind Rapunzel.
Pete sighed and said, "Okay, you can go." He unhand her and apologized.
"Thank you," Kayla said. "And this is what you get." She punched him in his guts, which made him pass out. Kayla looked at Rapunzel and the others.
Rapunzel asked, "Kayla, what are you doing here and where's the others?"
"No time to explain," Kayla replied. "I need to talk to Varian and Karina, please. It is important." That is when she looked at Varian and Karina. "Varian! Karina! We need to talk about what happened last night, especially you Karina."
Varian add-in, "Yeah, we need to chat." Karina nodded at her. That is Lance, Catalina, Angry, and Dante came in.
Dante said, "Kayla, don't run off like that."
"I am so sorry, Dante, but you know I needed to come here as soon as possible.," Kayla told him. That is when Qurin came down and saw Kayla and Dante and they saw Qurin. That is when Qurin recognize Kayla. She is a daughter of 2 close friends of Qurin.
He thought, "It can't be her. But it's Kayla. No wonder why she looks familiar, including Lance."
Kayla asked, "Rapunzel, who is he?"
"That is Qurin," Lance said while walking to Kayla and Dante. "Qurin, this is---"
Qurin cut-in, "Kayla?" That when the room became silent.
"How do you know my name?," she asked.
He replied, "I can explain later." That is when Maria came upstairs and saw everyone. Dante knew she was coming because she heard footsteps.
"Qurin?," Maria said. "What is going on?" Qurin didn't know how to explain it all to her, especially that Rapunzel got her hair back and somehow he knows Kayla. Maria looked at Kayla and Dante mainly (not no one else). They looked familiar to her. That is when she began to remember something for the first time in forever.
She remember when an adult was taking her to the woods. She got to a certain point of the woods and saw a pack of wolves with a human child moving.
"Hey mom," she said. "I am going to play."
"Okay, Maria. Just make sure you're not that far. You know you have to get back home on time., " The adult said. The adult was her mother. She left Maria alone and Maria followed the pack. She followed them to their home, which was an underground hideout. She was hiding behind a tree and a cub smelled something.
"Hey," the girl said. "What's wrong?"
The cub said, "I smell something."
The girl asked, "Should we go check on it?" The young cub nodded it's head. They walked over to where Maria was, but she disappeared. Maria went to a valley of blue roses. That is when the girl and the cub followed her track. The girl and the cub went through the valley and found the smell. They found Maria. Maria was scared and she hurt herself while running away from them.
"Hey," said the girl. "We won't hurt you."
Maria asked, "But don't wolves eat humans?" That really made the cub offended.
"First of all," the cub replied. "I don't eat humans. I am a vegetarian. Secondly, our pack don't eat human meat, but they do hunt other animals."
"Oh," Maria said. "I am sorry if I offended you."
The cub said, "It's okay. I forgive."
"Ow!," Maria screamed in pain. "This hurts so much!"
"Here let me help," said the girl. She looked at Maria's leg. There was an arrow on her leg. The girl had to pull it out slowly and that is what she did. "Dante, get my sock." The cub gave her the sock out of her bag and used it to wrap up her wound. That made Maria better a bit.
"Thank you," Maria said. "You are a hero."
The girl said, "I rather not say hero, but you're welcome." They looked at each other and they smiled at each other. "Anyway, what's your name?"
"My name is Maria," she said. "What about yours?"
The girl and the wolf had to think about it. Can they trust a stranger that she first met?? Of course they can, so the girl said, "My name is Kayla. But you can call me Kay."
The cub said, "My name is Dante. Nice to meet you, Maria." Dante put out his paw for a hand shake. Maria shook his paw and shook Kayla's hand, too.
"Likewise," Maria said. "Hey, do you guys like to be my friends? I have no friends and no one likes me." Kayla and Dante looked each other. They can relate to her. They felt like that, too.
They smiled at Maria and said, "Of course, we would like to be your friends." They laughed and hugged... End of memory
Kayla and Dante was confused on this woman.
That is when everyone heard Maria said, "Kay? Dante?" That made Kayla and Dante confused even more.
"Does everyone know our names?," Kayla asked. That is when Maria walked over to the group and the other two step back.
"You don't remember me, don't you?," Maria asked them. "It's me, Maria." That is when Kayla and Dante began to recognize her. Dante recognizes her smell and Kayla recognizes the eyes.
"Maria?," Kayla said. "I can't believe it."
Dante yelled, "You're alive!" That is when Kayla, Dante, and Maria ran to each other and hugged each other so hard.
"It has been 8 years since we last seen each other," Dante said.
Maria asked, "Wait, 8 years? Where have I been?" That is when Kayla and Dante knew that something happened to her.
Kayla asked, "What did King Trevor do to you?"
Maria asked her, "What do you mean?,"
"Your mother sold you to King Trevor and he took you away from us," Dante said.
"That is impossible," Maria said. "I escaped from King Trevor 3 years ago and I met Qurin."
Kayla said, "He erased your memories." That is when she began to cry. Her best friend lost her memories because of that monster. The others heard them 3 talking and having their moment.
Eugene asked, "This is a very sweet moment, but how do you y'all know each other?"
"We are best friends," Maria replied. "And I lost them for 8 years of my life because of my mother."

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