Chapter 6

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Everyone was talking and having a good time. They were in different sessions and they all chat about something. Kayla, Dante and Maria are in one session while Varian and Karina are in one session. Angry and Catalina are in one session with the adults.

Kayla, Dante, and Maria:
"Maria, we missed you so much.," Kayla said.
"Yeah," Dante said. "We did. We celebrate your birthday and the day that you were taken." Maria made an face expression. Kayla and Dante knows that they made her upset.
"Maria," Kayla said. "We are so sorry if we hurt you. We wish you can remember, though. It has been 8 years since King Trevor took you away from us. Around that time, we weren't the same without you."
"She's right," Dante said. "We learned how to fight. She is faster than before. I overcome my fears because we knew you would want that." Maria was crying a little bit because of they said.
Maria said, "It's okay. Even I changed. When I began working with King Trevor, I really never remembered anything. I was blocked and I began to hear voices telling that I don't belong here. I belong in Corona." That made Kayla and Dante worry. They found the 4th person to hear voices like Kayla, Karina, and Varian.
"Maria," Kayla said. "You can hear voices like me, Varian, and Kazzy. You're one of us." That is when Maria heard the voice again telling her about us. Kayla knew that this was happening. "Maria, what are the voices telling you this time?"
Maria was scared to tell, but she trusts her friends. So she said, "They are telling me that I found people who are like me and we have to create a clan soon. We have to find the other two." That is what Kayla heard, too.
"That's what I have heard, too," Kayla said with a smile.
Maria said, "I don't know if I'm ready."
Kayla said, "You are ready." That is Maria hugged Kayla and Dante.
"You know," Dante said. "The promise we made 8 years ago still has not been broken."
"That's right," Kayla said. "We can help you get back your memories."
Maria said, "What? You will help me?" They both nodded. "Thank you guys so much."
"You're welcome," Kayla said.
Dante add-in, "Anything for a friend of ours." Kayla took a piece of paper and wrote something on it.
"Dante," Kayla said. "Take this to V and Kazzy, okay?" Dante nodded and took it to them.

Varian and Kazzy Session:
Dante took the note to them and gave it to Varian.
"Hey, Dante," Varian said while getting the note. "Thank you."
Dante said, "You're welcome and it has good news on it." Dante walked away and Varian began to read the note.
What the note says:
Hey, I have news. Maria is one of the other people who can hear voices as well. We have to look for 2 other people. I won't be able to help y'all tomorrow because Dante and I have to help Maria remember her past. I hope you understand.- Kayla
"Oh my god," Varian said. "Kazzy, we just found the fourth person who hears voices like us."
Karina asked, "For real? How many people can hear voices?"
Varian replied, "There are 6 of us. We found 4, which is you, me, Kay, and Maria."
"So we have to find the other 2," Karina said. Varian nodded. "Okay, so let's look tomorrow."
"Sure," Varian said. "But Kay can't help tomorrow."
"Why?," Karina asked.
Varian replied, "She is going to help Maria get back her memories of her past." Varian turned around and looked at Kayla laughing. Varian smiled and began to blush. Karina knows that he is in love with her.
She asked something that made Varian show his expressions about Kayla, "Well, would you be jealous if Kayla dated someone else?"
Varian stutters, "Wha- What? Well... I would b- be a bit happy."
Karina looked at him so stupid. "Okay, I would be jealous. I am in love with her. She is everything I dreamed of."
"Then why don't you ask her out?," She asked with a smile.
"I don't know," Varian said. "I have wait til the time is right, you know?" Karina smiled and nodded at him. She understands him. "Hey, we need send this to Rapunzel and we can't let my father know what we are doing tomorrow."
"Yeah," Kazzy said in agreement. "I'll give it to them." Varian handed her the note and Karina walked over to Rapunzel and the others.
Rapunzel and the other's session:
Karina walked over to Rapunzel and the others. Karina handed the note to her.
She whispered, "Here, Rapsy. Read it and try not to tell Qurin on what we are doing tomorrow." Rapunzel nodded her head and she read the note as Karina walked away.
Rapunzel was so shocked that she said, "Guys, Kayla just found the next person who hear voices. We need to look for the other 2."
When Qurin heard voices, he asked with a scared tone, "What voices? How is that possible?"
Lance replied, "The ones Kay told us about. On the first day we met her, she told us about these voices and she said how 6 people will hear voices and they have create a clan that can protect everyone. They will make allies and they will meet enemies. Apparently so far, we have Varian, Kazzy, and Kay. Now we know that Maria is one of them." Qurin looked scared.
He whispered, "Oh no. This can't be happening."
Eugene heard him since he is sitting next to him and asked, "What are you talking about?" Everyone looked at him, including Lance. Qurin knows who are the 6 people and he knows who are the voices. He even knows what powers each of them hold and what are they.
He looked at Angry and Catalina and said, "Hey, we need to have a grown-up conversation and we need you guys to go to Kayla and the others."
Angry groaned, "Why??"
"Listen to an adult," Lance said with his tone deep, which makes the girls scared sometimes.
"Yes, dad," Catalina said. The girls left the the group and head towards Kayla and the others.
"Okay, Qurin," Rapunzel said. "Tell us."
Qurin said with a depressing sigh and he was scared, "I know who are the other 2. It is Catalina and Angry." That made them all surprised, but mainly made Lance upset. "I also know who are the voices. It is the Brotherhood." Okay, now everyone is confuse.
"The Brotherhood?," Rapunzel said. "You mean, the Brotherhood that you were in?" Qurin nodded. "How is that possible? How can 6 people hear 6 different people, who are the members of the Brotherhood? Although, there are 3 of y'all?"
Eugene add-in, "Let's not forget about my dad now." Qurin looked a bit guilty and he knows that Adira, who Lance likes, didn't tell them all the members. He knows that if he tell, then there is no going back and Lance might get upset.
"There are more than us 4," Qurin said. "There are a total of 6 members and the leader, who is Edmund." He looked at Lance and took a deep breath. "There is me, Adira, Hector, Veronica (my wife), and..." He was too scared to say it. Lance might hate him so much, but they all need to know the truth, except his son and his friends. "And your parents, Lance. Alicia and Nik." That made the whole table silent, but it made Lance surprised. He knew that he recognized Qurin.
"You know," Lance said with a chuckle. "No wonder why you look so familiar." Qurin looked worried a bit. "I remember that night when my mom and dad had a meeting with their group. I sneaked downstairs and I saw all of you guys. I overheard y'all talking about a spell that can create voices for 6 people and they began to hear it when something bad or good happens to them." Qurin knows that he was right and these are the 6 people.
"You're right, Lance," Qurin said. "We actually did that spell. When Veronica was pregnant with my son, Varian, she knew that she had to do a spell because she knew that we will not be here to protect everyone. So one night, we went to where the sundrop was located after you were born, Rapunzel. Veronica brought a black cauldron and potions. Veronica knew what she was doing because she is a witch." Everyone gasped and they were surprised. "Anyway, we helped her mix the potions and stir them. And then, she told us all to put a piece of our hair. She said that because our hairs were going to be represented as our voices. When we all did that, she told us to say what she says. She said, 'Hear me, hear me now. Take these voices and give them to different people who will become the chosen ones.' When we all said, there was an explosion. The voices went separate, however one of our voices got into Veronica's stomach, where Varian was. After Varian was born, she betrayed us for Saporia and she mainly betrayed your parents." Lance was confused.
"What do you mean?," He asked.
Qurin replied, "She promised your parents that she will protect you, Nina, and Kayla at any cost."
"But she lied," Lance said. Qurin nodded.
"A couple years later, Alicia was pregnant to your sister, although it's impossible.," Qurin said.
"What do you mean?," Eugene asked.
He replied, "Lance, Nina, and Kayla are children of a demon and a warlock."
"What?!?!," They all shouted at the table. Lance was mad now and he was confused.
"How is that possible?," Lance asked.
Qurin said, "Each supernatural couples should only have 2 children and each should take it's gene. You take your father's side, who is a warlock. Nina took your mother's side, who is a demon."
"Then what about Kayla?," Lance asked.
Qurin was getting really worried, but he replied, "Kayla took her father and mother's sides, which means she created a new type of species. Every supernatural is scared of her, including her own kinds. They thought she was too strong and they know that this can't happen."
Lance asked with a deep voice, "So what? Is she a mistake to you and our parents?"
"No. That is not what I am saying...," Qurin said.
"No," Lance cut-in. "It's okay. Just remind me that my sister should not trust you." And once he said that, he activated his powers and hurt Qurin. He thrown him against the wall. He was too scared and he just got his powers. He left the table angrily and saw the girls having fun. "Kay. Angry. Catalina. Come on. Time to head home." The group saw anger in his eyes. They all said goodbye and they left. Once they left, Varian saw his father against the wall and he is hurt.
"Dad!," Varian shouted. He ran to him and helped him up. "What happened?"
"Don't worry my son," Qurin whispered to him. Now the whole gang is scared, especially Eugene. He just found that his best friend is a warlock. They need to help them all. Qurin know that he had to head to Lance and apologies. "Hey Eugene, can you take my son home? I need to go talk to Lance."
"Sure," Eugene said.

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