Chapter 8

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The first day went by quickly it was movies and snacks all day long. Maaaan this girl can wat like no one else. I want to know what she wanted to because fitting whole day long is making me and het lazy. "What do want to do?" "I want to sit and continue watching movies" "you know you're getting lazy huh" I said with a little cheeky grin. "Yeah yeah I know but let do it this way today" I agreed for today maybe it's better who knows.

Dinner time was around the corner and I made us dinner. "Yeez Harry you didn't need to make a 5 star meal mac and cheese will do the job you know" "I wanted what can I do about it at least I am not lazy" she rolled her eyes on a playful manner and laughed. I slipped a little laugh too. " I want a house tour if you don't mind" "eat your dinner and I can give you a house tour" "that's good I am looking forward"

After she ate I was giving her a house tour she knows the kitchen and living room. I went to her adult room she won't be there much but yeah still made her one. "This room is beautiful Harry" yeah it's your adult room" after that I showed her her baby room. "Don't get mad but why do you want me to act like a baby/toddler" "well I just find it very cute because it shows a girl like you herself no problems no second thought" she just nodded and I went further on the tour. Showed my room and a guest room. "Why do you have a guest room do you get any guests over"
"Yes indeed I do babes" she blushed. SHE FUCKING BLUSHED. This is good she is adjusting and maybe getting a little crush. But still I don't want hurry incase she will be scared I'm so close to her I can't lose her. "Tell me about yourself Harry I'm curious you know" I smiled. "Tea and tell?" "Are there cookies involved?" "Yes there are cookies involved" she was happy she ran downstairs to the kitchen. "Don't run you're gonna hurt yourself"I yelled at her. "Don't be uptight Harry" I should get mad but I let it slip away.

"Well as you know I'm Harry a old man I have mine own company I like reading and cooking being a goofy guy and sleep. She laughed at the goofy guy part. It was getting late we should sleep. "I'm gonna offer you three options" "and those are" "you can sleep in your adult room , baby room or in my room with me so choose one" she was thinking "want to sleep in the baby room" this caught me off guard to be honest never expected it but on the other hand made me happy she said she was gonna try and she really does it. I assisted her to her room made sure she brushed her teeth and put on her pjs. Bid her goodnight and let her sleep I did the routine myself and went also to bed and now wait what tomorrow will bring.
Hello I know I should be ashamed for not uploading but better later then never right😬

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