part 2

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"Ugh.." I woke up from the pain from my side, everything was still blurry, Joe and Isaac were beside me, Isaac looked stressed, "What's wrong?"I say while struggling to sit up, "Your awake!" Joe said "oh man, I thought of pretty flowers for your grave" he said sarcastically. Isaac had his hand on his chin as if he was checking if he had a beard, he didn't even look at me. "Guys what happened?" I ask, "oh you got stabbed in the side by a possible psychopath" He says like he's smarter then everyone in this room, gee, how did he even get this job, "No you dumbo, after i blacked out did she..kill him?"

Isaac got up and looked at me " She tried but I got there right on time, there's something about her, like how she got him in a single punch, and you got stabbed probably 5 seconds in the fight"

" what do you mean 5 seconds in the Fight!?" I complain like 5 year old child

"Your right" Joe said

"I don't even think it was a fight!" He says while laughing, just wait till i'm better, see what i'm to do to you! "also I got you some of your favorite food" never mind maybe next time i'll get him.


"After I prevented her from killing him, she gave me info about him straight away, I don't think she's an normal girl who was at the wrong place wrong time."

"You should watch her Isaiah" Isaac told me to do

"What?! As you can see i'm injured!"

"You'll leave the hospital in 4 days, start then"

They left, such great friends

And plus, what's so important about that girl, but she was so clam, and there was also another thing I remembered (Flashback) "I got you.." Wait.. is she an ASSASSIN?! No.. she's too young, but where did she get that gun, people aren't allowed to have guns in the hospital, and you have to be 25+ to get one in this country, she said she's 22. Why would she have a gun here..?

Thoughts ran through my mind, I had to take action now, she could be off to another country already.

I got up, but it seemed like someone tied my feet together, the pain was unbearable, Right when I was 4 feet away from the door a nurse came in, just great "sir you need to lay down!" She says leading me back to my bed, great 30 minutes of work wasted. The nurse fed me, it was embarrassing, I mean i didn't break my arms, i was just refusing to eat, then she asked me if I would pray with her, "about what?",

She sighs, I can see the sadness in her eyes, " I was going to die today, if it wasn't for you, I would be dead by now, I have forgotten about God, I didn't care if he is coming again, and what happened today, I didn't deserve that, an Innocent man paid the price you" little did she know, I'm not innocent, I prayed with her for the few times in 4 years.

Maybe there is a little light in this world..

but I don't believe it yet.

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