Part 5

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I woke up out of breath, The sun was black, I ran out of their balcony to complete destruction, people were screaming wheres their baby,child, friend, etc. My heart was beating so fast I was sweating, I fell on my knees and all I heard was her voice and a mans, "I hope you won't be left behind"
"Your left behind" there words repeated over and over and over lapping each other. Then the ground around started to break and I fell through a deep, dark, hole, and all I heard was screaming and soon I was.

"AHHHH" I woke up screaming, it was just a dream, but it felt so real, I reached my phone and searched up left behind.. it showed movies, then it says The


 someone said from behind me it was Ari, it seemed like he woke up from my screaming,

" You see, the rapture is something that will happen" he leans against the wall behind me
"He says all who's been Godly will be saved, the dead will rise the population will increase and those who aren't Godly will suffer for 7 years and Satan will rise to rule over earth to bring pain and destruction. The rest who were Good will be in heaven with God, it's kinda hard to explain but check out SavingLivesLLC, maybe you'll understand  better.. I clicked on the newest video of his channel.

My jaw was opened I was sacred,  but I couldn't believe it "no.., pft, like that's going to happen.." I Shock my head and my worries went away, even though that dream and this is making me going crazy.

I'm a police officer, not a Christian.
Ari went to wake up Autumn. I should just leave I don't have time for this nonsense. Then I saw the computer from Ari's room I sneaked to his room it was on, then my eyes went wide: How in the world do they have my personal information, Name, age, height, weight, not married- Heyyy... I might get married soon, when did they even add that? 

I got out of the room, no one can just get access to that, unless, there working for the Government, there assassins, they hacked it or There spy's. I needed to fill Noah on this.  I wanted to leave as soon as I can, I sat on the couch where I was.

Autumn comes yawning and wiping her eyes, " I should go home" I say
" Oh man" She replied

"Why so soon" she asked going into the kitchen, "You sure don't want me to leave" I say while she comes out, she stopped when I said that, she sat down beside me "it sure is lonely, no parents or a little sister to deal with..I sure miss her" she says sadly. 

All of this is making me forget what I saw on the computer, but I know the sooner we find out why the sooner questions can be answered. "Do you work for the government"  I say plainly looking at her like i'm reading a book. "" she says looking at me like i'm a total freak. 

Ari comes out of the room with his hands in his pocket "You want scrambled eggs or pancakes?" He says not looking at me "You sure don't like me do you?" I ask, he doesn't answer back and goes to the kitchen "Pancakes it is" he says.  What? I mean he had the nerve to look at my personal info, I looked at Autumn, she was sleeping on the couch what time did she sleep? I looked at her white hair and chuckled "old lady" I mumble to myself, sadly for me the moment I said that her eyes opened "What did you call me?" she moved like an puppet, Ari came right on time the moment she was about to hit me, "Don't call her that!"  He says holding her from me

"Say sorry!" She looked like a bull-dog, "okay okay sorry" I stammer she calms down, after eating my food I  left I mean, they were both giving me the death stare, this might be why people don't invite me over. Now, the first place I went to- Noah's office, oh boy what I got to tell him.. 


Just a good image of their home

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