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i woke up the next day before my alarm. i hadn't done that in almost two years. but then i suppose there was nothing to really get up for.

i smiled to myself, thinking back to the night before. the laughter, the conversation, the pesto pasta i had.

oh, and the fact that he kissed me.

in the sweetest, most kindred way possible. i felt like i was in primary school, kissing my crush behind the trim trail.

where would we go from here? would we go on dates? get married? have kids? move to a cottage in the cotswolds and-

woah, you're 16 delilah, calm your shit.

7 am

it was 7 am, on a saturday, and i was awake.



i knew it would be a few hours until mum and mike would be awake. then they had this pottery class to go to, then dinner with their new snooty friends.

that's the way it was now. we ate fancy cheese boards and mum did pilates and pottery. it was like she was a new woman. like i was supposed to forget all the times i had to carry her up the stairs and into bed after she'd drank so much she couldn't speak. like i was supposed to forget all the times i had to hide under the kitchen table from the bailiffs because my mum was too plastered to sort the rent out or go to work.

but no, now everything's fine. she has mike and her fancy car and her fancy cheese boards.

like all of this is going to suddenly make me forget all of the trauma she put me through.

i was snapped out of my thoughts by my phone buzzing, it was Ben.

'Heyyyy, i know we didn't get off to the best start, but i really do like you, wanna hang today :))))' the message read, we'd all exchanged numbers the night before.

'That'd be wonderful!'

'Great! How does 11 sound? meet at the park? then we could go grab some chips or something?'

'Sounds awesome!'

in all honesty, i was excited to get to know Ben, i hadn't had much chance to speak to him one to one, and he seemed like such a lovely guy.

i walk through the entrance to the park and immediately inhale the scent of chlorine from the lido mixed with the stench of weed. probably from some 13 year old stoners, i mean. this was a british park.

i make my way over to a nearby bench, letting my legs hover in the air. yes, i am that short.

"hey!" i hear a voice shout.

"oh hiya Ben!" i reply.

(mini cliffhanger but not really oops, hope you all enjoyed a little more insight into delilah's life. we'll sure be delving more into it as her and gwil's relationship develops. also very excited for this ben and
delilah friendship :)

love ya my darlings! - hope x

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