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ben takes a seat next to me on the bench - and as his stature does not reflect that of a garden gnome, his feet actually touch the ground.

i notice he's wearing a Queen shirt ;it's the album cover for A Night at the Opera.

"love the shirt." i remark, smiling at him.

"thanks, what can i say, i'm obsessed." he shrugs. "i don't know why, this probably sounds so stupid but, their music feels like a friend, like i know it's always gonna be there for me,you know?"he explains - looking intently into my eyes for reassurance.

"hey, it's not weird! and i totally understand. whenever my mum used to get shitfaced i would barricade myself into my room and blast Keep Yourself Alive until midnight. i spent hours watching every queen compilation on Youtube." i confess.

"shit." i say, realising my mistake. "i'm sorry, that was an overshare, i promise i'm not trying to get pity or-"

"don't you dare apologise!" he buts in. "i understand, my dad was a bit of a cunt to me and my mum, i don't wanna go into depth but yeah, they were escapism for me."

"i'm glad we're on the same wave length." i say, genuinely smiling, i feel as though ben and i have a mutual understanding and connection. it's clear we've both been through shit. and both seek salvation from four aging queens.

"i'm glad gwil's got you." he says suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence we had broken into.


"oh come on Deli, even Stevie Wonder could see the way you two look at each other, it's adorable" he says, nudging my shoulder playfully. "you suit each other, gwil's so lovely, even though he's been through so much, and i know you're the same. you'll help each other through shit and you already make each other so happy." he beams. "gwil's like my brother, he deserves a person like you."

"sometimes i forget he's a real person, not someone i've dreamed about." i say, it's the truth.

ben makes an 'awhhh' sound, standing up and extending his hand out to help me up.

"come on, there's a burger stand over there and i haven't eaten meat in fucking decades." he says, desperation filling his voice.

"that sounds like a problem joe can solve, not me darling." i reply, smirking.

"oh shut up!" he chuckles, whacking me on the arm.

"i love my boyfriend with all my heart, but veganism is just not for me." he explains.

we proceed to get two of the greasiest burgers in existence, shamefully delicious. walking along the park path as we chat.

my phone buzzes and i reach into my pocket to see what it is.

'hiya, it's gwil, can we talk?'

guess who's back y'all
kinda been in a massive depressive episode for like the past two weeks, put i'm slowly feeling better - so here ya go. finally on the last few pages of mercury and me, as expected i cried my eyes out.

love ya my darlings x - hope

ready freddie? - G.LeeWhere stories live. Discover now