The Witching Hour: 13 True Ghost Stories You Shouldn't Read at Night Part 2

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The witching hour is said to be a time when the boundary between the world of the living and the dead becomes blurred and the ghosts of our dearly departed return to walk the earth once more. So be warned, our latest collection of spooky true tales featuring ghosts, spirits and otherworldly encounters are best enjoyed in daylight hours. Reading these tales at night could conjure up more than simple nightmares, especially if read during the witching hour.

From an apartment haunted by its previous tenant to a terrified nanny that slowly comes to realize she's not alone in the house. Here are 13 more true ghost stories.

1. The Good Deed

"It was not me it was my father. He was in a van going to a church function somewhere in Iowa. They were traveling down the highway when they saw a guy walking down the road and the youth pastor decided to pick him up since it was raining.

They asked the guy where his destination was it was just past the town they were heading to. The rain turned into a very strong storm it was late afternoon and it was pitch black outside. The group kept in high spirits singing church songs.

When they were going past the town they couldn't see anything. Shortly after passing the town in the middle of nowhere the gentleman said this is my destination. It is still storming bad outside. The youth pastor says we can take you farther. The guy says this is where I need to be. So they stop about 2-3 miles past this town. The guy then asks for some money. The youth pastor felt moved to give him the four $100 bills in his wallet, all the money he had.

The guy exits the van a large crack of thunder turns their heads away. They look back there is no man there anymore. Split second and he is gone and the rain had just stopped.

The group was shocked they said a prayer for the guy and went back toward town. They turned onto the exit for the town and saw the town it had been ravaged by a tornado about when they were going past on the highway. They went into the town to immediately start helping people. Later that night the youth pastor pulled out his wallet and there in his wallet are 8 $100 dollar bills." – bbq_licorice

2. The Apartment

"I moved into my apartment about five years ago, it was my first time living alone and having my own place. After unpacking I took pictures of everything I had but when I took a picture of my tv it didn't turn out right. The tv was off but on the screen, there was a white girl with black hair wearing a blue shirt. The shirt left the shoulders bare, and there was a man on his knees in front of the girl. He was wearing a white shirt that was way too big for him. Standing behind the man on his knees and next to the girl was a tall older man. He was skinny and balding and was wearing a brown suit with black pinstripes. After I took the picture I didn't want to live there anymore.

Then weird things started happening.

My cat who got spooked easily and started hissing at something I couldn't see. My favorite Coca-Cola glass fell by itself off of the draining board. It wasn't even close to the edge of the counter. Months later I was getting ready for bed, I was standing in front of my bedroom door when this black figure walked right in front of me like I wasn't there. I can't explain it. Weird stuff still happens, when I'm in my bedroom I can smell cigar smoke as if someone is blowing it right in my face, I can hear old-timey music like from the 20's. I can also hear conversations going on in the living room when I'm the only person in the apartment, and I keep seeing this girl in a blue dress and black hair standing at the foot of my bed. She never does anything just stands there and watches me sleep." – AmbellaRose

3. The Shaking Bed

"When I was a kid, I woke up in the middle of the night to my bed shaking. Normally, that would scare the crap out of me, but instead, I was just kind of annoyed. I rolled over and muttered, 'Stop it.' The shaking stopped immediately. Then, a male voice speaks right beside me, saying, 'Sorry.' That's when I freaked out. I'm pretty sure my childhood house was haunted." – NinaLaPirat

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