10 Incredibly Creepy Incidents That Are Totally Real

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10. Warning note

A hotel guest found more than she bargained for when she discovered an unnerving handwritten note in a drawer, thought to have been left there by a previous guest. In December 2014, Amy Jones was staying in an Edinburgh hotel when she discovered the creepy note that said: "Don't open the locked door! Don't trust its whispers. Leave, just lea..."

Instead of being freaked out, Jones took a picture of the note and uploaded it to Twitter. She then proceeded to go to sleep with the door in question facing her from the opposite end of the room. The next morning, she let her Twitter followers know that she was still alive and that she hadn't heard any whispers coming from the door.

9. Satanic panic

In November 2019, an unnamed source reported the killing of a sheep in the New Forest in Hampshire. The sheep corpse had pentagrams, an inverted cross and the number 666 painted on it. It had been stabbed to death. Furthermore, a heifer and two calves were found with stab wounds in Bramshaw and Linwood.

When police investigated the incident, they found that an inverted cross and 666 had also been painted on the door of St Peter's Church in Bramshaw. The New Forest has a historical connection to witchcraft, but the locals had never experienced anything "occult-like" before the sheep incident. Residents are said to be very disturbed by what has happened and hope that police will bring the perpetrators of the 'satanic graffiti' crime to book.

8. Sucked into a grave

The sun had just about set on 19 December 2016 when 64-year old Joanne Cullen arrived at the Long Island cemetery to visit her parents' burial plot. She spotted a bent-out-of-shape bow on the wreath over the plot's headstone and bent over to fix it. As she did so, the ground beneath her feet gave way and she sank into the grave right up to her hips.

The unexpected event caused her to lose her balance and tip over, hitting her head on the tombstone and cracking a tooth. She grabbed hold of the sides of the tombstone in desperation and shouted for help, but no one heard her.

After she finally managed to crawl out of the grave, she immediately left the cemetery and refused to go back. Cullen also enlisted the help of a lawyer to sue the property owners of the cemetery citing emotional problems and nightmares stemming from the horrific incident.

7. Trapped

Earlier in 2019, a woman fell asleep on a plane en route to Toronto. When she awoke, the plane was empty, dark and it was almost midnight. Luckily, she managed to open the plane door and was rescued by crew on the ground.

Another woman in Xi'an, China found herself trapped in an elevator at the end of January 2016 after repairmen shut it off and let it rest on the first floor of the residential building she lived in.

Unfortunately, the men only returned a month later and found the decomposing remains of the woman inside; her hands disfigured from trying to escape her steel prison. It is alleged that the men never opened the elevator to check for passengers, but simply called out and upon receiving no answer, they shut the elevator off and left to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

The victim is said to have been mentally disabled and was only identified by her surname, Wu. Her family reported her disappearance but did not undertake a search for her inside or outside the building.

6. Ghost couple

On 10 November 2019, 60-year old Soong Rui-xiong left his home and set off on a hike in the Pingtung mountains. He didn't return home and his family spent an anxious 10 days searching for him before a villager spotted and accompanied Soong to the nearest police station.

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