The Witching Hour: 13 True Ghost Stories You Shouldn't Read at Night Part 3

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As always we recommend that these tales are best enjoyed in daylight hours. Reading them at night might conjure up far more than simple nightmares, especially if read during the witching hour.

1. Pray for them to Leave

"When I was little, every night when the lights were turned off and I went to sleep, two dark forms would descend from the ceiling near the doorway into my room. They walked quietly up to my bed and one stood on each side of my headboard, looking at me. I would cover my head with the blanket, until one day I had the courage to tell my mother. She put a lamp in my room and told me to pray and ask them to leave. I sleep with a lamp on all night to this day." – Alba Eres

2. Soldier on the Stairs

"My Mom and Dad have really good friends the next town over, Fort Davis. Our friends live in an old house, built on top of civil war camps. I was over for the evening, I was going to help them work cattle the next day. I was all alone in the house, so imagine my surprise when I hear someone walking up the steps.

Only, when I got there, there wasn't anyone on them.

I went through the house, didn't find anyone. I got spooked, so I locked my door and got my .22 pistol by the bed. I eventually doze off, only to wake up in the middle of the night. I could hear footsteps on the stairs again. I grabbed my pistol and headed to the stairs...and I feel the hairs on my entire body stand on end. I remember a super cold chill hit me, it was so cold it took my breath away. I freaked out and ran to the guest house, didn't go back to sleep.

When I told them about it the next day, they all laughed. Not because they didn't believe me, but because everyone says they see a soldier on the stairs. Never stayed the night in that house again. Been over plenty of times, but I'll never sleep there as long as I live." – k0uch

3. Insane Asylum

"When I was a student, the campus was located on what had only 20 years before been an old asylum for the insane. They did lobotomies there and what not. Most of the buildings had been refurbished into "normal" school buildings with lecture halls, study group rooms et cetera. Seemed pretty normal, except the small study group rooms that only had one window, that was 1 square feet, 15 feet up on the wall, with bars in front of it. Yeah. Now, walking around the halls at night was creepy enough in itself, but one experience I will never forget.

I was the leader of a student/professor team that was in charge of evaluating lectures, professors, timetables et cetera, and we usually had our meetings after hours. This one time, we were sat in what used to be the old employee cafeteria (according to one of the old professors, who had been around for a long time). Now, I had seen the original blueprints from back when it was an asylum, so I knew what buildings had been the women's cell wing, the men's wing, administration (including morgue) et cetera. A little while into the meeting, suddenly all of us (8 people in total) turn at the same time, everybody hearing what seemed like a woman's scream coming from an open window towards the old women's wing. We all knew we were the only ones at the campus at the time (small part of a larger college), and we had all heard it – as evidenced by the fact that everyone turned their head.

Now that was creepy." – LeoKhenir

4. Static

"The summer before I went off to college, I was sitting at home after work watching House Hunters (as one does). My mom and sister were supposed to be coming home any minute. Then, I hear the back door open, clear as day. The same creaks in the hinges that happen every time. I hear footsteps (heavy ones too, like Andre the Giant was stomping through my house) come through the kitchen and down the hallway towards where I'm sitting. I call out, thinking it's my mom and sister. But I'm still the only one there. Then, like a blanket being wrapped around me, I feel a super strange sensation. I can best describe it as static. It felt like I was in a sleeping bag (one of the super fancy ones with the hoods) charged with static electricity. Then, as soon as it came over me, the feeling left.

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