Forever Young: 7 Chilling Sightings of Ghost Children around the World

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Traveler beware, if you plan on visiting any of these notoriously haunted locations listen out for the pitter-patter and laughter of children long passed from this world.

Few things in this world are more terrifying and tragic than the ghosts of children. From stories of untimely deaths, to crybaby bridges and demons masquerading as children, nothing can be more haunting than to be faced with a ghostly specter in the form of a child. Below are seven of the most terrifying stories of children still trapped on Earth, yearning for attention, long after their time in this world has passed.

1. Dead Children's Playground

There have been numerous reports of paranormal phenomena witnessed at the playground. From the swings moving by themselves to the ghostly sounds of children's laughter echoing from the area when there is no-one is there. So if you fancy trip to see if the legends are true, prepare to stay up late because it's said that the paranormal activity is most intense between 10pm and 3am.

2. San Antonio's Railroad Children

According to local tradition, if you idle your car on the railroad tracks you'll see several pairs of small handprints as they attempt to push your car out of the way to safety.

3. The Andrew Jackson Hotel

It is the ghost of five boys who perished in a fire during the building's time as a boarding school that haunt guests today. The boys are said to be heard playing in the courtyard, often waking guests up at night, and many have heard the echoes of a child's laughter down the hallway. It seems they enjoy playing harmless pranks on those who stay at the hotel and offer a good fright for any resident unlucky enough to see them.

4. The Radiant Boy

The area was a place of carnage and bloodshed when the Vikings conquered the area hundreds of years ago and, as such, traces were left on the land. The boys match similar stories in Germanic folklore and it is believed that these spirits traveled into the land with the Vikings when they settled there.

5. Old Stone House

Of the many ghosts said to walk the halls, one is that of a young African-American boy whose laughter can be heard in the halls at night. And sometimes, if it's a particularly dark night, the laughter of several other former inhabitants can be heard in the halls and bedrooms around the house.

6. Children at the Spy House

There are plenty of stories about ghosts here, including some that say the famous pirate, Captain Morgan, hid treasure on the premises and still guards it after death. But many claim to hear the wailing of an infant child and see the specter of its mother as she desperately searches the house looking for her child.

Since the early 1960s reports of black-eyed children have regularly been sighted in and around Cannock Chase, England. In 2015 it became national news when a group of paranormal investigators spotted and caught on camera an alleged black-eyed girl in a field near the area. While not much is known about who or what these children are and where they come from, what is known for certain is that witnesses who report encounters, often feel that the children were somehow supernatural and extremely dangerous though they could not explain why.

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