7 Most Shocking and Eerie Videos on YouTube

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From serial killers to Scientology and mass cult suicides, these are the most disturbing videos on YouTube.

It should come as no surprise that there are millions of weird, creepy, sometimes downright disturbing videos on the Internet. YouTube is a treasure trove of these digital gems. Recently, we whittled down a list of over a hundred creepy videos. We're now prepared to unveil the seven most bizarre YouTube videos.

1. The Skull and Bones Initiation Ceremony

When he set up a hidden camera on the rooftop of a Yale facility, American journalist Ron Rosenbaum captured a befuddling glimpse into one of the most the most secretive organizations in the world. We may never know if the Skull and Bones is an initiation rite for the New World Order, but this video gives a terrifying portrait into the puppet masters who may control our country.

2. Heaven's Gate Cult Initiation Tapes

Heaven's Gate was a doomsday cult whose members committed mass suicide in 1997. They did so, believing that their souls would be transferred to an alien spaceship that was hidden behind the Hale-Bopp comet. Thirty-nine of the cult members bodies were found dead in a rich suburb of San Diego, California.

The following is an excerpt from one of the last videos ever recorded by the Heaven's Gate Cult leader, Marshall Applewhite. In it, he explains their decision to leave this world. The whole video can be found on YouTube. What's even creepier is the Heaven's Gate official website from 1997 is still up and running on the web. Seems incredible that no one has taken it down over all these years. Who's paying the domain fees?

3. Soviet Dog Head Isolation Transplant

This Stalinist era video documents a medical experiment in which clinically dead animals are brought back to life. This has to be one of the weirdest movies ever made. With little scientific data stated, it is currently unknown whether this video is a hoax or not. Some skeptics believe the video was faked for Russian propaganda purposes. Hoax or not, any possible motivation for making this film is beyond disturbing.

4. Tom Cruise Scientology Speech

We already knew that Scientology was one of the most insane cults out there, but when this video of Tom Cruise was leaked on Youtube in 2008 it once again reaffirmed our opinions. After all, they believe aliens need to be exorcised from their bodies. No one knows where the video came from or why it's on the Internet.

But what really makes this video eerie isn't just Tom Cruise's maniacal giggling or bizarre behavior, it's the fact that the church of Scientology used this video at their events to pump up the crowd. It's no wonder they did everything in their power to have it removed from the internet, because taken out of context it makes for one creepy and out their portrayal of their religion.

5. Alex Jones' Bohemian Grove Video

Alex Jones has been in the news a lot recently, howling about the gun control issue and martial law. But Jones has been an outspoken fringe thinker for decades now and regardless of what you think of his politics, his Bohemian Grove video from the early 90s is not to be missed. It purports to show a clandestine occult ceremony performed by some of the most important men in the world, including top CEOs, political leaders, and industry titans.

Along with the Skull and Bones video above, some of these rituals conducted by the so-called New World Order get pretty spooky (for the actual ceremony part skip to around 5:30).

6. Interview With Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer

This bone-chilling interview shows us a window into the mind of one of the most grisly serial killers in the history of the world. It rattles the nerves to see how relaxed Dahmer is during this interview; coming from a man who kept 12 of his 19 victims' dismembered bodies as trophies in his apartment building in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Along with the Skull and Bones video above, some of these rituals conducted by the so-called New World Order get pretty spooky (for the actual ceremony part skip to around 5:30).

7. An Interview with a Cannibal

Have you wondered what goes on inside the tortured mind of a cannibal? The people over at Vice Magazine made this incredibly disturbing documentary about the infamous cannibal Issei Sagawa. Issei goes into insane detail about what it's like to eat human flesh. This video is seriously disturbing... if you have the stomach to watch it!

What rubbish, about the cult that is - Black

Well, some of humans faith is really questionable - Other Black

Besides, suicide is not the easiest way to heaven, but hell - Grey

Grey! - Other Black

What? It's true - Grey

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