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Annabeth Chase always arrived promptly, and had expected to reach her destination before anyone else.
She was struggling from keeping her mind from straying to the matter of who she would encounter. Would there be joyous reunions or dreaded ones? Would everyone even turn up? Or would some of her previous accomplices have changed so drastically, they didn't even consider attempting to stop whatever disaster was occurring.
It didn't take a lot to convince Annabeth to go, she was always willing to help other people, and needed to acknowledge that her demigod past had trained for everything else in life. And although she quite willingly decided to go, it had taken a lot more work to persuade her less literate, easily angered alter ego. That was due to the possible meeting of the man, the myth and the legend himself. Perseus Jackson.

It wasn't that she despised him, she wasn't capable of that. However, she had expected him to keep in contact with her after all the demigods dispersed. It was ridiculous that one boy, supposedly a grown man now, was responsible of all the anger that had bottled up inside her, that eventually exploded and created a beast.
Annabeth pushed the heavy glass doors open, and instead of being greeted with an empty reception, found two people, one staring at her with calculating eyes and the other focused on the previously mentioned girl. Piper Mclean and Jason Grace. In the flesh.
She had never been too close with Jason, but appreciated his talents and skills and greatly respected his life decisions after leaving camp. Piper, on the other hand, had quickly snaked her way into Annabeth's heart, immediately becoming a dear friend. Yet the girl currently staring at her, wasn't the Piper Mclean she knew.
No words were uttered after Annabeth's appearance, as Piper had no intention of conversation , and Jason was too oblivious to acknowledge her entrance.
Mere seconds after Annabeth had stepped foot in the building, a loud thud was heard from the elevator.
"G'day Ladies and Gents. I arrived an hour early, accidentally of course, so I thought I'd give myself a tour. Not too shabby, huh? Doesn't compare to Valdez Industries though!"
Leo Valdez. Multi millionaire, playboy, philanthropist, inventor.

Leo was shoved out the elevator, much to his dismay, by a pretty, feminine woman, dressed in what Annabeth recognised as goddess-like garments. She hesitantly dragged Leo towards the rooms inhabitants, offering a hand shake to Annabeth.
"Calypso Nightshade, accompanied by Leo Valdez, pleasure to make you acquaintance."
Annabeth gave a small smile, and it was then when Jason realised her presence in the room.
"Oh Annabeth, hi! Leo, how have you been?"

As the two men embraced, Annabeth felt herself grin. Perhaps things wouldn't be so different after all. 

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