••{Expect the Unexpected}••

24 1 3

[Just letting you guys know that this chapter involves ,Homophobia, self harm, suicidal actions and thoughts.

So that was my warning so no one gets triggered]

•{NO POV}•

"Mom, Dad I need to tell you something."

"Oh sure son you can tell us anything."

"You promise not to get mad, and to still love me.'

"Oh we could never hate you, we promise. Kookie."

"O-ok, Mom, Dad, I'm gay, I like guys"
Jungkook remembered the way their faces went from soft to disgust in seconds.

"WHAT"  His Father yelled.

"I-" Jungkook was cut off as his fathers hand had been slapped upon his face.

Jungkook started to cry "YOU BROKE YOUR PROMISE!"

His mom just looked at him in disgust and said. "Get out of my house you disgusting fag."

Jungkook felt broken, he stood up went to his room and packed his bags. He walked to the door way and looked at his parents, "I'm sorry you couldn't love me, but I will find someone that will no matter what happens, to bad that someone isn't you."

Jungkook ran into the street not paying attention to his surroundings, when he saw a light rushing towards him at last minute. A Car.
Right before the car hit him, Jungkook sat up in the bed, tears streaming down his face. Luckily Taehyung is a heavy sleeper and didn't notice him get out of the bed.

Jungkook looked at the time. It's was 5:57
So he had about 3 minutes before his alarm goes off and wakes Tae up.
He goes into the bathroom and looks under the sink, and grabs a razor blade.
Jungkook takes a sharp, clean blade from the box.
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
He slides the blade across his forehead arm, not too deep but deep enough to make a trace of blood. He gave himself 7 cuts on each arm.
His alarm went off and he quickly put the blades away and put on a hoodie to covers his scars, and walks out of the bathroom.

When he come out he sees Taehyung sitting up on the bed, his back facing away from the bathroom, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

Jungkook sneaks up behind him and leaps towards him trying to scare him. But Taehyung is to fast, Tae catches him and pins  him down on the bed holding his forearms down to the bed. Taehyung didn't know about the freshly made cuts there. Jungkook whinced at the pain of this, but fixed his face immediately, turnings into a blush.

"You thought you were going to scare me bunny?"Tae asked with a sly grin.
" U-uh I... " Jungkook stutters with a bright red blush.
"Is the bunny blushing?" Tae says raising one eyebrow.
"N-no im n-not!" Jungkook exclaimed stuttering constantly.
"Oh really" Tae starts getting closer to Kookie's face.

Jungkook panicks and pushes him off quickly and gets up "OH l-look at the t-t-time we b-better get ready t-to go." He attempts to say normally, but stutters hard, blushing madly, while being flustered.

Taehyung laughs "ok bunny"
"Getting in the shower now" Jungkook says still blushing."you can put on my clothes, just find something that will fit you.

" 'Kay bunny" He said smiling innocently.

•{Jungkook POV}•

I finished my shower and wrapped myself in a towel. I then realized my clothes are in my closet. It normally wouldn't matter but this time I have a hot, perverted angel in my room. I was nervous, but u had to act fast we have to go soon.

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