•{Just Listen}•

24 1 3

•{Jungkook POV}•

I woke up the next morning surrounded by my bloody sheets. I get out my bed and look down at my arms seeing the deep scars I put on them yesterday. I touch the cuts along my arm and whince at the pain, they were sore and swollen. I look at my phone to see:

•21 texts, and 13 calls from Jimin
•15 texts,and 20 calls from Jin
•8 texts and, 4 calls from Yoongi
•6 texts and, 9 calls from Namjoon
•8 texts and, 15 calls from Hobi

And to my surprise..
•63 texts, and 47 calls from Taehyung

I decide not to go to school today I don't want to be questioned by my friends, and I don't want to see that fuck boy's face.

I get in shower and wash up trying to relax. I get out of the shower drying my hair with a towel, I then look in the mirror, asking myself why I don't see myself in it, I only see a monster that no one wants, or needs.

I get dressed and continue to dry my hair, when I heard a knock on the door downstairs I cautiously look down stairs at the door as the loud knocking continued. I walk down stairs and go to the door not opening it yet.

"Who is it?"I call.

There was no answer just knocking I got a little worried and unlocked the door slowly.

Suddenly the door burst open and I feel to hands grabbing my arms, pushing me against the wall I open my eyes and gulped as I saw Kim Taehyung holding my arms tightly making the  marks on my arm throb.

" Wh-what are y-you doing?" I stutter, still surprised.
"Why" Is all he said, not yet looking at me.
"What-t are y-you ta-talking ab-bout?" I asked immediately wishing I didn't.
He ripped my shirt off my body, throwing the shreds on the floor.
"What th-the fu-" He cut me off by licking the scars on my arm sending chills down my spine. He started to lick the other arm as well leaving soft kisses on them as well.

I finally get the energy and push him off if me.



I don't say anything, I didn't even think of the fact he said he didn't like girls I was to angry to think, I didn't want to think about his lips on hers.


"NO THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED, SHE KISSED ME I DIDN'T KISS BACK." He screams, "YOU JUST SAW OUR LIPS TOGETHER." His voice went soft. "If you would just listen!"

I finally looked at his face, as I see him my heart clenched. His eye were dark and puffy, he had a scar on his cheek that looked pretty fresh. He had dried tear stains on his face. And he had a scratch on his lip.

Tears fell from my eyes as I look at him in this condition.
"Tae-" I start, but was interrupted by him grabbing my face and smashing our lips together.
He slides his tongue in my mouth letting me taste him.

He tastes like salted caramel and sunshine.

He pulls away from my lips, leaving them cold and alone. "Bunny I love you!" I look at him shocked by his words, and see in tears streaming down his face,"I fell in love with you the moment our eyes met in that restaurant."

I couldn't believe my ears, Kim Taehyung just said he loved me.

He speaks again "I didn't think you would feel the same way so I just flirted with you so you wo-" I cut him off by wrapping my arms around his neck, and press my lips to his once again.

He stood in shock for a second, but then placed his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I pull away smiling softly, "Tae love you too" I say, "more than you could ever know"
He pulls me close to him hugging me tightly. I smile in the crook of his neck.

After what felt like an eternity he pulls away and takes my hand, pulling me upstairs.
He placed me in the blood stained bed and walks into the bathroom he comes out with the blades and some bandages. He throws the blades in the trash can, and walks over to me with the bandages. He gently takes my arm and wraps the cuts with the bandages, asking me whether it hurt accationaly, I simply shook my head no, as my heart danced around in my chest.

He finished wrapping my arms up and kissed both of my bandaged arms, making me blush.

He changed my bed sheets for me and we laid down on the bed and cuddled in silence enjoying each other's presence.

"What happened to your face?" I asked breaking the silence.

He sighed, "whenever you ran off yesterday, Yoongi walked up to me and started punching me, Namjoon had to pull him off of me for him to stop." He paused for a second, "But I deserved it I shouldn't have hurt you, it was my fault."

I sigh "No, it's my fault Tae, I overreacted,I should have remembered that you weren't into girls." I bury my face in his chest, taking a deep breath, and enjoying his scent of lavender and sugar."

[^ I don't know what heavenly guys smell like 😅]

Taehyung pulled my chin up making me look him in the eyes. "Now I have a question for you" He says getting really serious. He gently rubs my bandaged forearm with his thumb. When he did this I already knew the question.

Before he could ask I sit up a little and quietly sighed. I've never told anyone that I cut so I never thought I would have to tell anyone about my parents.

He also sits up, and looks at me with soft eyes grabbing my hand, holding it in his, smiling at me, making me realize how much I have missed his warm boxy smile that brightens up my day instantly.

I smile back, taking a deep breath. I told him about my parents not accepting me, and I told him about the dreams I have reminding me if that day they me out.

He looks at me with his glossy eyes. I feel my heart break as a tear rolled down his face. Before I could say anything to comfort him, he pulls me into his lap and puts his arms around my sides holding me tight.

I don't hug back right away due to me being so shocked by his actions. Whenever I come back to reality I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him back tightly.

"I'm sorry", he cries " I didn't know you were going through any of this"

A tear rolls down my cheek as  I hug him tighter, "I didn't tell anyone, not even my friends" I say as tears stream down my face.

"Can you promise me something?" He asks me pulling back from the hug a little, looking into my teary eyes, I nod in response.

"Promise me you won't do this to yourself anymore" He say rubbing my bandaged arm.

"Okay" I choked out still crying.

"Next time you feel you need to do it", he days pulling up his own sleeves, " You can do it to my arm instead" I look at him in surprise hearing this from his made my tears stream faster.

"W-what, N-no I could n-never hur-t y-ou" I stammer.

"It o-okay whatever it takes to-" I cut him off by pressing my lips against his.

After a second he kisses me back, pulling me closer to his body. I pull back from his lips, kissing his forehead, cheeks, nose, and go back to his lips, I pull back from his face "I won't do it anymore but I will not do that to you, never ask me to do such a thing ever again" I say with tears falling from my eyes.

"Ok bunny" Is all he says.

We lay down and snuggle the rest of the night, happiness surrounding our bodies.

"Please don't ever leave me, Tae"

He chuckles, " Never in a million years, would I ever leave you."

I smile at his answers and we fall asleep in each other's arms.

[ is this book boring? Be honest, I don't want anyone to lose interest]

Qots:What song has your favorite choreography by BTS💜💜

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