Chapter 10

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Mehek's side of flashback

"I waited for long Mehek but you never made it to my party", Rishabh sounded angry. "I already told you I can't make it. Dad is keeping me under strict radar", Mehek countered him. She looked around again to ensure not to be caught talking to Rishabh over phone. "Come on, Mehek. It's been long since we met. Don't you miss me?", he whined. Mehek laughed at his cute tone. 

"Party was so much fun", he taunted. "I too had fun", she retorted. "With Shaurya? I doubt", he mocked her. Mehek kept quiet but the truth was she enjoyed her time with Shaurya. "Mehek, are you there?", Rishabh's voice woke her. "Mehek, I think I know what you going through", he told her, "Shaurya always manages to charm others with his kind and soft personality. But believe me, he is not your thing. Shaurya is extremely boring and plain. He is not the type of person with whom you can to spend your entire life with.  And trust me it won't be pleasant ".

"Rishabh, we have already gone through it. My fate is sealed with him. Our marriage is announced so is the merger. I cannot back out now", she was getting restless. "Mehek, as a friend I am telling you not to go ahead with this proposal. I know you and I know Shaurya as well. He appears to be kind and emotional but very possessive too. Once married he will surely demand to make your marriage real. He will definitely try to change you.Your disagreement will simply drive things to complications. Eventually you will be hurting everyone; yourself, Shaurya, our families and even your father", Rishabh disconnected the call angrily. 

Mehek was left to think about his words. She had already clarified to Shaurya that it will be nothing but just an arrangement. She still believed he will respect her decision and will not force her to take their marriage further.

Mehek was getting bored while attending lectures when Shaurya's text popped up in her mobile. Her eyes widened when he informed that he was waiting for her at college gate. Mehek panicked and looked around. She didn't want any of her friends or college mates to meet Shaurya. She texted him not to come inside and managed to sneak outside the lecture room discreetly.

"Why are you here?", she asked Shaurya after pushing him to a corner. She looked back to ensure that none saw them. "I got you a gift", he pulled out a box. The logo on it indicated that it was not an expensive brand. Shaurya pulled out a pair if anklets from it. Even though not expensive, the work on the piece was unique. 

Mehek was touched when he knelt down and kept her foot on his thigh. He tried to make her wear it. 'But as if on cue, her mind replayed Rishabh's warnings. She quickly withdrew her feet and scolded him, "These cheap piece is not worth to be worn by me". Shaurya was visibly hurt when she rejected his gift.

"Shaurya, I want to reiterate that this marriage will never be real. So don't expect anything from me", Mehek didn't wish to hurt him nevertheless wanted to be truthful. "Haven't these past weeks never meant anything to you? I thought we were dating fine, Mehek", he was confused. "Dating? You must be out of your head. I was forced to spend time with you. Else do you think I will spend even a minute with a boring and uncool person like you", Mehek pointed him with her forefinger. 

Mehek knew she had crossed the line. Shaurya appeared to be shattered yet he didn't speak a word. He nodded and walked away. Mehek looked at him while he got into a taxi & moved away. 

End of flashback

"Thanks for the helping me with the breakfast", Shaurya told Mehek, "Can you help me getting ready for office?", he asked her politely. Diya had already slept in his arms but he refused to put her down. So Mehek helped to gather his files & laptop. "Can you getmy shoes?", he asked Mehek. When she stood baffled, he pointed to the corner, "Awara had kept it in the corner. Please bring it to me", he told sweetly. Although not convinced, she brought them to him and tried to take Diya from Shaurya. "You have handled my shoes . So don't pick Diya with those dirty hands", he told thoughtfully, "Why don't you put them on my feet?". He extended his foot covered in expensive socks to her.

Mehek slowly learned his game. He was trying to humiliate her. Old Mehek would have been mortified but she is longer that snob. Time had taught her that no job is low if done sincerely. She knelt down and took the shoe. She slid it onto his leg and fastened it. "Ms Maan, do you know that this pair of shoes are made by an excellent craftsman from Italy. He is known to work only on exquisite leather. So they cost a fortune", he boasted while Mehek looked on from her position. He bend down and came dear her ears, "Are you worthy enough to touch them?". His wicked grin made it clear that he was relishing pleasure of revenge.

Soon he summoned Awara and gave sleeping Diya to him. He specifically ordered him not to allow Mehek near Diya unless she washes herself properly.

Shaurya's side of flashback

"Shaurya, which one do you prefer? Navy Blue or Dark Brown?", Jugraj held the suits and asked for his opinion. "Whichever you find suitable?", Shauyra was least interested. "What happened son? You seemed to be lost", Jugraj dismissed other staff and talked to his son. "Baba, may be it is best to call off the wedding", he told his father. Jugraj was stunned when he continued, "Lets go ahead with the merger. I don't want Vikram uncle to suffer any loss". 

"Shaurie", Jugraj rarely addressed him with the pet name that Shaurya's mother gave him. "Baba", he moved near to his father hugged him. "Tell me, Shaurie", he urged his son. "Why is it when I take one step ahead, I am pulled back by two steps"?, his pain was evident, "Mehek doesn't like me. For her this marraige is a compromise.". Jugraj sighed. Merger was just an excuse but his real intention was Shaurya's happiness.

"Shaurie, your mother and I had a rough start too. I thought I could never love her", he chuckled remembering his younger days, "A plain boring girl like her was never my choice. But she didn't waver and made me fall in love with her", Jugraj explained his love story to his son. Shaurya knew each line of their story by heart still he wished to hear it repeatedly from his father. They were soulmates and Jugraj missed his wife terribly. Her sudden death was a huge blow to both father & son.

 "I have made many mistakes, Shaurya", he sighed. Shaurya knew he was referring to his affairs and especially Rishabh who was fruit of his recklessness. "But once I realised that your mother is my true love, I loved her ardently and remained loyal to her. She is still the best thing that  ever happened to me", his words brought a smiled to his son,"one day Mehek will also realise the same". 

"You are your mother's son. So don't give up so easily.Get up and fight for your love", Jugraj's advise gave him courage. "Now tell me Navy Blue or Dark Brown?", Jugraj asked playfully. "Navy Blue. Ma's favourite color", Shaurya smiled sweetly and Jugraj nodded.

As if universe was conspiring, Mehek called Shaurya when he least expected. "How are you? You went completely under the rock after that day", she asked his carefully. She sounded worried for him and he felt glad."I am fine. Just got busy with studies and job", Shaurya was happy to talk to her. After an momentary pause when neither spoke, Mehek apologised, "I am sorry for that day. It was harsh even for my standards". 

His heart swelled but she quickly tried to end their conversation. "Mehek would you like to go out with me again?", he asked. When she remained tight lipped, he added, "It's Swati's birthday party. You won't be bored as it is your kind of party. Swati has booked a popular club and it's going to a bash". After a sigh, Mehek agreed, "text me the details". 

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