Chapter 30

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                                                  Shaurya was pacing restlessly across his study while waiting for Mehek. Awara felt dizzy while watching his brisk movements. "Sir, shall I ask them to come in?", he asked his master. Shaurya was tensed when he saw Vivaan's vehicle entering the premises. The moment Mehek had gone to receive him, Shaurya had locked himself in the study.

He was contemplating various scenarios in his mind. Was she trying to show that she had moved on? Should he land another blow on her by revealing that Vivaan is his hired man? Will she be able to handle another shock? What if Vivaan take advantage of this turmoil? He didn't want to hurt her further but he cannot let her go either. 

Removing Vivaan from the frame appeared to be an easy solution. A phone call to Aarush and this fake Romeo will be taken out. Somehow Shaurya felt that something devastating is going to happen soon. But running away from problems was not a solution. He took deep breath and asked Awara to let them in.

"Thanks for bringing Babuji", Mehek thanked Vivaan. "It's my pleasure. Take care Mehek",Vivaan was about to leave but Mehek stopped him, "I will be obliged if you stay. Hope you can spare some more time for me". Vivaan agreed to her request. They all settled in the hall awaiting to be summoned. Soon Awara came and asked them to proceed to Shaurya's study.

After a curt knock, Mehek entered. Shaurya was surprised when she led an aged man into the study. He was modestly dressed and had a pious visage. As expected, Vivaan too entered but remained quiet in the background. "Mr Ahlawat, this is Laxminandan Vyas", she introduced him to Shaurya and then turned to the old man, "Babuji, he is Shaurya Ahlawat".

Vivaan found it awkward but for Mehek's sake decided to stay. So Mehek explained herself, "Vivaan, your expertise in law will help Babuji & me", then she turned to Shaurya, "I believe Mr Ahlawat won't mind. Afterall you are in his payroll". Vivaan & Shauyra looked at eachother while trying to cover their shock. Laxminandan looked at them with contempt and held Mehek's hand to give her solace. All the while Mehek kept her fake smile intact.

"Babuji is Drishti's maternal grandfather. His daughter, Kumud Vyas is Drishti's mother", Mehek kept a straight face but her voice wavered a little. "My daughter gave birth to Drishti but Mehek is her mother", Laxminandan interrupted and Mehek glanced at him thankfully. "What happened to your daughter?", Vivaan asked curiously. "She died giving birth to Drishti", the old man told painfully. 

Shaurya sat silently without uttering a word. Mehek turned to Shaurya, "Kumud was carrying Rishabh's child. So that makes you Drishti's uncle". "How did you know Kumud?", Vivaan asked again as if echoing question in Shaurya's mind. "It is irrelevant in current situation. We are here to discuss about Drishti and not about Kumud".

"As I explained, you both are the close relations of Drishti. So legally one of you can take care of Drishti. Babuji is financially not in a position to take responsibility of his granddaughter. So I propose Mr Ahlawat to take over her responsibility", Mehek finished her speech quickly. She looked around three men who sat silently gazing at her so she continued, "I want it to be legally done so that Drishti's future is safe". "I agree", Shaurya was first to talk. Laxminandan looked guilty while nodding . "Babuji will still be her legal guardian. He will visit her regularly to ensure my dau...his granddaughter is not mistreated".

"You think I will hurt a child", Shaurya was aghast. He felt Mehek was tarnishing him before Vivaan and Laxminandan. "No longer I believe in my instincts, Shaurya. People have proved me wrong several times", she told disappointingly. She then took a deep breath and looked at everyone, "So that's it. All settled and agreed. Let's all part in happy note".

 "What about you, Mehek?", it was Vivaan who asked but the same was in mind of Laxminandan and Shaurya. "I will continue to work here and take care of Drishti & Diya as long as possible", she smiled at him but turned to Shaurya, "if Mr. Ahlawat allows me to". Shaurya just nodded agreeing that she can stay with them.

"I am sorry, Beta", Laxminandan apologized to Mehek. "Please don't apologize, Babuji. You did everything for me when even my own father abandoned me. I am grateful to you", Mehek countered him. But he felt ashamed that he was unable to protect her or Drishti. "Our Drishti will be better off with Shaurya, He is a good man. I am sure that once I am gone, he will take good care of Drishti", she consoled him.

 "Don't do this Mehek", he implored her again. "I need to Babuji. I cannot run away from my past forever. To tell you the truth, I am tired of running", her agony was evident in her voice, "I have committed a grave sin and deserves punishment". "You did it to save Kumud and her child. Even God will forgive you", Laxminandan tried his best. "But law won't. I don't want Shaurya or Drishti or anyone to suffer for my ill deeds", Mehek appeared to be determined and her Babuji didn't  persuade her more. They waited for Vivaan who was still with Shaurya.

"Were you aware of Laxminanda Vyas or his daughter?", Vivaan asked. "Aarush's report says about Mr Vyas but nothing about Kumud", Shauyra was dubious. He needed more information and already decided to hire professionals for digging up Mehek's past. 

"Ever wondered about your half-brother?", Vivaan asked. "I am no longer interested in that scheming snake", Shaurya chided. "If I may share my two cents ", he waited for Shauyra's consent. When he nodded, Vivaan spoke, "I believe Rishabh Ahlawat is dead. Mehek and Kumud had to do something about it". 

Shaurya didn't care a bit about Rishabh but news of his death was a  shock to him."No, it can't be", Shauyra blabbered.  "Let's hope so, Mr Ahlawat. But my experience, warns otherwise", he sounded certain, "Rishabh Ahlawat completely disappeared from radar. How is it possible that he never resurfaced anywhere? Till now none cared about him and reported about his disappearance. But if any complaint is filed, the formal investigate may lead to conclusion of his death". 

Shaurya pinched bridge of his nose being tensed, "I am least concerned about Rishabh. My  worry is only about...", he left his sentence unfinished. "Mehek", Vivaan filled in. It was clear that they both were equally concerned for Mehek. "Mehek is onto something, Mr Ahlawat", Vivaan told him thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?", Shaurya was anxious. "Drishti is the only relation that anchored Mehek's life. Today, she ensured Dirshti's safety and future. Mehek is free now", Vivaan explained. "You mean she is planning to run away. Alone? Leaving Dristhi?", Shaurya couldn't believe it. "May be or she is planning something worse", Vivaan hoped he was wrong, "She was quiet broken when she left her father". In few words, he explained her visit to Vikram Maan. Shaurya decided to keep an eye on Mehek and instructed same to Vivaan.

Before leaving, Vivaan turned to Shaurya, "Do you know this person?". He extended his phone so that Shaurya can examine the photograph, "few days back, Mehek met this person in the nearby park". Shaurya zoomed and saw the photograph clearly. He nodded and spoke, "It's Nehal. Mehek's sister".

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