Chapter Six

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Wiping her eyes Hermione walked away from her parents house, but they didn't even know she existed anymore. To make sure Death Eaters didn't hurt them she had to wipe all record of her existence from their memories. Her bag had everything, a nice dress for the wedding and everything she thought they could possibly need for hunting horcruxes. Mrs Weasley had told her that there was a portkey in a bathroom in a women's bathroom in a shopping centre. When she arrived she checked no one was looking before grabbing onto it. The familiar sensation of being pulled through time and space consumed her before she eventually let go. She hit the floor with a thud before hopping up and dusting herself off. Just then she felt someone picking her up and swing her around.
"Charlie!" She smiled before pushing her lips against his. After they pulled apart he put her down and stroked her cheek with his thumb.
"It's good to see you too love" he smiled, the name made her cheeks burn red.

As the two walked into the burrow Charlie's arm was wrapped around her, tight. Protectively.
"Mione!" Ginny shouted and ran to hug her. Charlie loosened his grip on the girl and let her hug her friend.
"Are we sure it's Hermione?" Mrs Weasley asked, approaching them cautiously.
"Yes mum, I'm sure. No one could look that beautiful other than the real Hermione. Also no one else knew how she got here" Charlie answered. Mrs Weasley nodded and embraced her.

The next day was Tonks and Remus's wedding, hardly anyone was going. Tonks had invited her parents and Charlie, who was bringing Hermione. Remus said the only people he wanted there couldn't come so it was only them.

"I'm nervous" Tonks told Hermione as she finished doing her hair.
"You're going to be fine, I promise. You're marrying the love of your life" she smiled.
"You're right but, it all feels so rushed. I mean a few months ago he was saying we couldn't be together and now we're marrying each other"
"Exactly, Love is a crazy thing. It always works out in the end"
"You're right, as usual. We should probably head down. I don't know why we didn't invite the Weasleys. Probably to suspicious if too many people were here"
"Probably and thanks and yes"

Tonks was wearing a short white dress, it had a long train though. Charlie was standing next to Remus. Both in suits. Ted was walking his daughter down the isle whilst Hermione followed, in a blue dress. She carried the train. Andromeda was the only one sitting.

"Do you Remus Lupin take Nymphadora Tonks to be your mate for life?"
"I do" Remus smiled down at the pink haired witch standing in front of him.
"And do you-"
"Yes!" Tonks shouted and pushed her lips against his, her arms hooked around his neck.
"I now pronounce you bonded for life"

"They're too cute" Charlie smiled and Hermione as they arrived back at the burrow.
"They really are" she smiled back and leaned into his chest.
After they'd proved themselves to be really them they both went upstairs. Hermione wanted to stay with Charlie that night. She snuggled into his warm chest. His arm held her close to him. She loved him. And her loved her.

A few days later they were all going to get Harry. They all rode on brooms to his aunt and uncles house. Hermione and Charlie rode together.

"Harry!" Hermione shouted as he opened the door, smiling he hugged her back. But her let her go when he saw the look of jealously become evident on Charlie's face. The whole group walked into the living room, Bill had his arm around Fleur, Remus around Tonks and Charlie around Hermione.
"Oh Harry guess what!" Tonks smiled excitedly, he looked at her confused but smiled when he saw the wedding ring sitting on her finger.
"You two go married!"
"Yes, awh I wish you could've been there but it was small. Only my parents Charlie and his date, which was Hermione" she told him.
"We can catch up later" Madeye said and started explaining the plan.

As Hermione took the polyjuice potion she felt her height grow slightly.

"I still love you whatever you look like" Charlie smiled and kissed the top of her head. Even though she looked like a mirror image of Harry right at that point. She smiled back at him. As everyone set off into the night they all went their separate ways. Charlie and Hermione were the only ones going straight to the burrow.

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