Chapter Eleven

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It was early when Hermione awoke, the first thing she noticed was the absence of a second body in her bed. Charlie must've awoken earlier and went to make some coffee. He often did that. Not that she minded, within a minute he'd usually come into the room and bring her a fresh steamy cup of coffee as well as planting a soft kiss on the bridge of her nose. Seeing as she was almost certain this would happen, she grabbed an old worn book from her bedside table, propped herself up slightly and began to read. Letting the text consume her, the smell of old books wafting through her nose and through her. She loved that smell. After around an hour she glanced at the clock on the wall. Ten. Silence. Usually by this time Molly would be calling on them for breakfast. And Ginny would be practicing quidditch. And Fred and George would be aparating in, if they hadn't spent the night that is. And Ron would be groggily slumping down the creaky stairs as he wanted to be asleep but wanted food more.

Slowly, Hermione grabbed her wand and crept out of the room. She was dressed in her sweatpants and spaghetti strap top. "Hello?" She called, strands of hair falling over her face, coming loose from the ponytail she'd forced her curls into. "Hello?" She tried again, still the house was silent. The familiar creak of the stairs was all she heard as she walked down to the bottom floor. Hermione didn't know what she expected to find, maybe everyone in there. But the emptiness wasn't it. Concern weaved through her body like stitches as she peaked outside to see if anyone had gone out. No one.

"Hello dear" she heard a voice say from behind her, Hermione jumped. Spinning on her heel and pointing her wand and the mysterious voice. Her eyes widened as she saw who it was.

"Granny?" She asked confused, looking into the brown eyes of her grandmother who'd been dead for nearly ten years. The woman's hair was just as white as Hermione remembered, like snow or clouds. Her skin was many shades lighter than Hermione's was. The latter being gifted with a sort of beige tan skin tone.

"Hello sweetheart, why don't we sit down" strangely Hermione felt herself follow her grandmother to the chairs and sit opposite her.

"Am I dead?" She asked, that was the only plausible explanation Hermione could come up with for the situation she was currently in. Death.

"No, no, no. You're in your own mind. Sort of anyway. There are some things you must know and only the dead can help you find them out" her grandmother explained, now Hermione felt even more confused. What could she possibly need to know. She was sure she knew every thing that was comprehensively needed to get by. And likely thrive. For heavens sake she'd brought back the dead. She'd brought back the dead. This was the repercussion for that.

"So what's going to happen?" She asked apprehensively, involuntarily fiddling with her hands.

"Well, I believe your guide will be arriving soon. Honestly dear you must wear better clothes" her grandmother clicked her fingers and Hermione was dressed in jeans, one of her Weasley Jumpers and trainers.

"I- my guide?" It was a question but it could've been mistaken as a statement. The elder woman nodded.

"Yes my child, someone you know and someone who knows you. You will have around three or four maybe even five people who talk to you and guide you through what's happening and how you are a paramount being in this world" Hermione felt her eyes widen, she was important. Without saying anything her grandma stood up and walked toward the door.

"But granny!" She called but the woman was already gone. Hermione was left confused and alone standing in the middle of the burrow. Or what she thought was the Burrow.


Haha. Cliffhanger. Sorry if this is bad I'm writing at 2am. I spent the past few hours looking through a book my great grandma and some people I guess she knew wrote in. Anyway I hope this gives you a little insight into the next couple of chapters and once again stay tuned for more!

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