Lucky Charm

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I was out and about, doing my daily usual thing. Ya know? Being well me. After a while, it started to get boring so I went off to my boyfriend's house. Glad to see that he's home from going over rehearsal, line reading, costumes and so forth. He had been busy all week being the supportive person I am. I cheer him on for what he's doing. It's his dream and I support him and I admire the amount of work he puts into his roles. It had been a tough week. Stress and annoyance was all I felt. So the embrace of my boyfriend would do rather nicely and good movie as well. So I grabbed a few clothes, movies and snacks and went on my way to his house.

Third person

Meanwhile, Leo walked around his room throwing clothes onto the ground angrily. He had checked in his closet throwing clothes out of it in the process, and even in his sock drawers, but he couldn’t find it. He absent mindedly scratched the back of his head, frowning when he felt the absence of the bracelet y/n had made for him.
“Leo! I'm here!" Was all Y/n said. She was about to speak again until she caught sight of his room. "What happened in here?” She said standing in Leo's doorframe, frowning at the enormous piles of junk plastered all over his room. “What did you do to this place?”


I sheepishly smiled at y/n as I continued to scratch my head, at this point it was a bit of a habit. “I was looking for something.” I said in all honesty. “It seriously looks like a tornado went through here." Y/n remarked with a soft laugh before stepping over some of the mess. I took a glance at my room. Yeah it was a mess. "Yeah, sorry for the mess," I said shrugging. "I didn't mean for it to get this bad." She then smiles at me as she begins to search through my stuff. "Why are your clothes wet?" she said looking up at me. I gave a soft sigh and began to explain. "Well, I stayed late going over lines and what to do, and it rained. My umbrella didn't help at all." I say as I go over to my closet and try to look more into it.

Third person

"Really?" Y/n asked tossing a pair of pants to the side in the process of taking a small glance over at Leo. He held a somewhat frustrated look on his face. "It usually doesn't rain in southern California." (couldn't exactly think of a place so bare with me mates)
He laughs softly, as if it were a somewhat funny joke. "My luck has been pretty terrible this week," he pauses to look at y/n as they move to search underneath his bed, "Finally, something I can relate to." Y/n said with a soft laugh. Leo shook his head with a soft smile. "I'm glad you drove here this weekend, though." He said admitting as the two shared a small glance. "Yeah me too." Y/n then sat down by Leo's bed watching him as he threw his stuff across the room. "What are we even looking for?"


And at that point, it had been the time to come clean. "The bracelet you gave me for my birthday,  I put it down somewhere, and I can't find it," I said before frowning. "Man, I really loved that bracelet!" I sat there frustrated and annoyed. I felt stupid. That bracelet meant so much to me. And it made me happy. It reminded me of the many years we had spent together. The many times we laugh, argued and made up, the laughter, the first time we confessed. Memories were attached and man did I want to make more.

Third person

Leo than sat on the ground burying his face in his hands. "That was my lucky bracelet, Angel. I lost it. The memories with it. I can't get that back. What am I going to do without it?" He said looking over at Y/n with a worried expression painted over his face. Y/n then crawled over to him offering a small, yet soft smile. "I can always make you another one darlin, it isn't that important. I can make a new one and we'll create new memories with it." that caused Leo to shake his head. "Yes it is," he mumbles not bothering to raise his head. "It was the first you got me, and I lost it. I held that bracelet like if it were a promise to you. To us."


"Leo, Darlin" I said as i wrapped my arms around him. "I'll make you another one." I said trying to comfort him. "You don't understand, Y/n." He said in a serious tone. "Everything has been going wrong this week. I haven't been able to learn the right lines, my acting has been off, and I'm losing everything, and the fact that I lost this bracelet makes me worried even more."
I then look around the room before getting up and diving into a pile of clothes by his nightstand. I dig and dig around in a couple of his pants pockets for a small while before pulling out a small bracelet with the words 'evighet' (It means Eternity in swedish if ya didn't know) inscribed on it.
"Leo," I say while crawling over towards him. "Look what I found!" I said in a cheerful tone.


I lifted my head frowning at y/n. My eyes traveled up and down her body in confusion before landing on the bracelet she held in her hand. "Holy shit!" I said a bit loudly as I went up to her and grabbed the bracelet eagerly fastening it on my wrist. "How the hell did you find it?" I say in confusion. "Is this what happens when I'm gone?" Y/n asked with a small laugh. I then shale my head no. "Not exactly, I'm usually just thinking about you." I say softly and then giving y/n a gentle kiss. "Do you think about me..or do you not think so far ahead?" she said in a joking manner. "Angel, I'm always thinking about you, also thank you for helping me." She smiled and gave me a small kiss in response.

Third person

"Now time to clean up this mess." Leo laughed in response. "I almost forgot about this." He then nodded and smiled. The two took about an hour to clean his room and put everything back the way it was. Taking care of the wet clothes and his messed up floor. They were finally finished when the clock struck noonish. "Now to do what I actually came to do." Leo raised an eyebrow. "And that is?" Y/n laughed. "To cuddle with my adorable boyfriend and to watch movies and eat of course. I brought our favorite." Leo laughed softly in response and went over to set everything up and finally got into something comfortable. And for that night, it was well spent. The two laughed, ate, even had a little dance party before the two fell asleep in each other's arms after a while.

Sup mates! Well I hope you enjoyed that! I decided to wrote that after a small dream I had.  I think it was cute. Hopefully you all think so too! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Until next time. See ya later lovebirds!

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