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Chase's POV
Alright I'm suited up. Spy Chase is on this Mysterious Case. I mean Case, just case. Alright where to start..Ah! Right Skye's helicopter to see what's inside. I walk over until, "Chase..? Spy Chase..?" Zuma asked. "Z-zuma! Uh, yup! Spy chase is playing with Skye!" Oh, can I play with whase and skye." Zuma asked. No! I can't let him know about this.."Sorry Zuma! This is a very..adult rated game! It is very bad." I said in a serious tone. "Okey!" He ran off. Phew..I looked around for that book. Where is it?! Then I notice, a diary. Dammit, there's a lock. I start sniffing around. Aha! Found it. I unlock the diary and start reading. Eh, nothing out of the ordinary. I start to just skip all the pages with out reading it until I get to today's date. "Ugh, what am I gonna do with Chase. I don't know if I should do it. But, I am. I'm nervous to bring it up to him. I don't know how he's going to feel.." No..Skye..no! She's gonna break up with me. I flip back to the pages there's nothing that says about a break up. Maybe she ripped it up and hid it somewhere! Finally. I went back to the page I flipped it, and all it says I'm going to confront him on Christmas..Christmas is next week Friday! No! I start to cry..but then wipes my tears away. Since she wants to confront me on Christmas. I'm going to confront her on Christmas."
This investigation is over, she's clearly seeing someone else, I'm done.

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