🕺🏽The Dance💃🏽

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Chase's POV
2 weeks later
Who should I ask out the the dance..?  "Uh hey, Chase.." A female voice said. "SKYE?!" I shouted. "I mean..Hey.." I said trying to play it cool. "Hey, uhm, I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the dance with me." Skye said blushing. What..?! Me?
"I'll, think about it." I said. She looked kinda worried. I felt bad I wanted to say yes.
I see her walking off..!
"Skye, wait!" I said hoping I got her attention. She turns around. "Hm?" She said. "Sure, I'll go with you." I said smiling.
Skye smiled. "Alright then! I'll see you around!" She said smiling and walking away. YES! I did it! *sighs*
But, still..I don't understand why she asked me out. She's been ignoring me..*sighs* almost forgot about that..I need to find out why she's now trying to get back with me. I'm tired of her being so, distance away from me. What was her and Marshall talking about, why does she keep reading that book. And for the past 2 weeks, she's been going somewhere with her helicopter. She's up to something.

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