🙄Tired Of This🙄

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Chase's POV
I try to look for Skye for like, 10 minutes. Finally, didn't even know why i didn't check here, she was at the beach. I walk up to her. "Hey, Do you wanna hang out?" I said hoping she will of answer. But, she ignored me again. "Skye?" I said while bugging her. But she didn't answer. I look closely at her, but she was sleeping. Of course, I totally understand why she doesn't want to hang out with me.

No she doesn't like you anymore. She hates you Chase. She likes Marshall Now.

"No! She does like me, she's just tired!"

That's exactly what she said the last time. Maybe she doesn't like Marshall, maybe she likes Rocky. Maybe she was trying to find away to get away from you. That's when she saw Rocky, That's when she had an opportunity to go to him and tell him how she feels now. Maybe this is all a setup. Maybe she used you to get to know more about Rocky. You and Rocky are close friends. Doesn't it make sense now?
Your just a tool, just a stupid German Shepard Dog, A Stupid Police Dog, A Stupid BoyFriend.
"NO" I yelled. My voice it changed at that moment. Then, Skye wakes up. "C-chase..? Are you okay..?" She said nervously. "Oh, look who's finally awake." I said while rolling my eyes. What..no, this isn't me! "Chase..?" Skye said walking closer to me but, carefully. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled. Then, I stop. I start to cry. "I'm so sorry Skye..I'm so sorry." I said crying. Then I hear Rocky's Voice. I start to feel strange again. "YOU." I said with a very angry tone. Rocky looks at me, confused, and starts backing away. I try to stop myself but it won't work. "Rocky, do you like Skye?" I said smiling at him. "WHAT?!" Skye and Rocky said shocked."What?!" I said sarcastically. "Oh, give me a goddamn break!" I said getting angry. "Chase, I don't like anybody! Besides, you and Skye are dating. Why would I go after her?" Rocky said getting afraid. I look at him. Then put my paw on him, "Awe, I'm so sorry Rocky for blaming you that you liked Skye this whole time. Your definitely not..LYING TO ME." After I said that, I know he could feel my claws on him. He starts to get scared, I notice then..I start to realize what was going on, I start to cry. Then I ran away.

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