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“Where did you go?” Jungkook asked  when he saw Jimin entered their house. They live together ever since they move to Seoul from Busan, even tho Jungkook's parents can afford a separate house for him, he decided to live with Jimin 'cause he's more used to be with Jimin than in a whole new city.

“The usual” the older answered, as he sat down to one of the couches in the living room. He leaned back and closed his eyes as he remembered the man he just met a while ago.

“What's with the smile?” Jimin got startled, He immediately opened his eyes and looked at where Jungkook at. He saw the younger eyeing him suspiciously, as if he just commited the biggest crime and Jimin can't help it but laugh.

“Stop eyeing me like that, Kook” he said in between laughs

“I just want to know why are you happily smiling there” Jungkook put down the plates, he was holding, at the table. It was already lunch time and its his turn to prepare their food “It's not that i don't want you happy. It's just that, your smile is too genuine today and i just want to know what happened” he continued without looking at Jimin. He busied himself on preparing the table and of course to not see what will be his hyung's reaction. When suddenly he felt arms that was wrapping him from behind.

“I just met a void, Kook. I'm just happy that someone out there shares the same fate as mine” Jungkook held the older's arms and slightly tap them, as if a sign of comfort. He knew that his hyung is a void but he tried cheering him up that he'll get it soon. A part of him feels guilty about it 'cause he felt like he was the one who forced him to wait but also he just can't bare to see his hyung being all sad and devastated. Being the crybaby he is, when he's with Jimin, tears are starting to form on his eyes.

“If you let those tears fall, i'll be mad” Jimin hinted that the man he's hugging now is in the verge of crying and he was right when Jungkook stared at their ceiling, took a deep breath and groaned a bit. Jimin giggled and tightened the hug.

“Don't blame yourself for anything regarding my soulmate shit. We both know that it's inevitable and it's not like you wanted me to be miserable, Kook” Jimin removed his arms that was wrapping at the younger and he walked to where his usual sit on the dining table “For now, let's start eating. I'm starving” They both laughed and started to eat their lunch.

“How's Seokjin hyung?” Jimin asked, as he took a bite of the Kimchi rice that the younger prepared. Undeniably delicious.

“He's still busy. Handling a company isn't really easy, i guess”  the younger shrugged. He doesn't really mind at all if his soulmate is too busy. He accepted that fact since the first time they met, he's not jealous either nor mad. Jungkook supports Seokjin's career, the same way the older supports him on his passion. His soulmate makes sure to give time and attention to Jungkook when he had the chance, so he's all good.

“Plans on settling down with him?” Jimin boldly ask. They never talked about this before 'cause Jungkook is still so young to get married but today, he just feels like asking him that question.

“Is this your way of getting rid of me in this house?” They laughed “Even if we get married, I'll ask Jin to still leave with you”


“It's true”

“Finish your food, Kook” Jimin almost forgot that Jungkook won't be forever with him. Sooner or later, Jin and Him will decide to settle down and have their own family. Imagining that he'll grow old all by himself is scary as fuck but what can he do anyways? it's not like someone is destined to be with him. His fate is already decided since he turned 20 and that's to grow old alone.

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