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A month already passed. Jungkook and Seokjin are still busy doing their own crafts. Jin managing his company while Jungkook is still pursuing his passion in photography. He's actually planning to open an exhibit, that's why he's so busy and most of the time out of reach.

On the other hand, Yoongi and Hoseok are planning their wedding, it will be 5 months from now. Hoseok is also a dance instructor, same with Jimin, while Yoongi produces music for big companies. Jimin witnessed the growth of both his hyungs' relationship and indeed he'sa bit envious but genuinely happy.

Opposite really do attract each other. Hoseok is a ball of sunshine, he brings out the happiness to everyone he's with. When you're with him, there's no dull moments at all while Yoongi is the opposite of him. He seems gloomy due to his fashion sense, he wears black most of the time, also the silent type of guy. But, he's a whole different person when he's with Hoseok. He smiles often and nonstop giggles that surely makes him more adorable.

Meanwhile, Jimin is busy doing his job as a dance instructor and he's mentally and emotionally better now or at least he's improving. Namjoon is a big help to him actually. Ever since that day where Joon invited him to breakfast they managed to keep in touch and they actually never missed a day without seeing, texting or calling each other.

Jungkook already teases Jimin to Namjoon 'cause they were totally inseparable. There's this one time where Jimin invited him over, to join them for a movie marathon, and Joon never left the younger's side. How can he when Jimin demands to cuddle him and whines if he won't, he's not complaining either, he's more that willing to give him all the cuddles that he wants and he finds him adorably cute. Jungkook saw how they acted that day and suspiciously eyed his hyung. When asked, he will just dodge all of the questions and Jungkook will just give up 'cause he knows we won't get any answers.

“So, you and Joonie hyung?” Jungkook starts and successfully caught Jimin's attention. The older boredly looked at him.


“Dating?” Jungkook wiggled his brows and plastered a playful smile. Jimin just rolled his eyes and ignored the younger's interrogation.

They're friends there's nothing to be suspicious of. Friends do texts, calls, cuddle, and even invite each other to eat or to go somewhere else. He can't understand why Jungkook's trying to give different interpretation on what they do or at least he's trying not to give any meaning about their closeness.

“Friends don't look at you, like you're their whole galaxy” He remembered Jungkook told him when he cleared things off between him and Joon. 'How does Joonie even looks at me' he thought but shrugged it right away.

He's lying if he says he doesn't feel those tingling sensation in his stomach every time he's with Joon, how every little thing that the older does affects him, how his heart pounds so fast, how he gets nervous in front of him. He knew friends doesn't feel these thing towards each other but he doesn't want to make things awkward for the both of them, not if Jimin only feels that way for him.

Jimin is currently in the dance studio, his last class for the day has just ended. The day was exhausting but nonetheless, he's happy on what he does so that makes it less tiring for him. Jimin went to the locker's room after he took some shower, he was so sticky and sweaty, he doesn't like that, he took his things and was about to go when his phone rang.

He took it out of his bag and read who the caller is. It was Namjoon, his immediate reaction is to smile and answered it right away.


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