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“Let's take a sit Joonie said” as he guided me to sit at my spot a while ago and him sitting at the chair in front of me. He raised his hand and signalled a server to come to our table, ordered his usual, the server went to the counter where adora was. I saw her looking at me mischievously but i just rolled my eyes at her in return.

“So, how was Taehyung?” he started. I focus my attention to him as i drink at my hot choco.

“He's perfectly handsome” I honestly replied. He's undeniably gorgeous, i can't deny that fact 'cause he screams perfection just by mere standing and doing nothing. I saw Joonie eyeing me suspiciously and that made me chuckle. What did i do?

“You find him handsome?”

“You don't?”

“Well, him being perfectly handsome is undebatable” He shrugged. I knew he will agree, he never stopped complimenting and boasting how his brother looks so handsome that he's actually qualified being his brother's fanboy. Kidding aside, he also mentioned that when they were kids his brother has a low self-esteem and was bullied on how he looks. Since then, Joonie was their to protect and compliment his brother.

The server arrived at our table with the food and drink that Joonie ordered. He smiled at the man,as he say his thank you, the latter bowed at him and left.

“Let's eat?” He invited and i nodeed in response. Joonie started to eat his food and that made me to take a bite on mine as well while we are waiting for his brother. He's actually taking a bit too long, he looks uneasy as well before he left, is something bothering him? I just shrugged off all my worries and continue to eat.

“Sorry for making the both of you wait” I looked up and saw Taehyung who's flashing his signature smile to us and i might say that I'm kinda captivated. It's a feeling like you don't want that smile to fade away and just wanting him to wear it most of the time. He sat down at the chair beside Joonie and put down his hot choco at the table. I didn't even notice that he was holding a cup. Am i that charmed at his smile?

“You like hot chocolate as well?” I asked him. Starting a conversation between the two of us, I should since i want him to be comfortable with me and vice versa. Also, the purpose of this meet-up is to finally know each other. He gazed at me and unto his cup as he giggled. Did i just hear an angel's laugh? Wait, pull yourself together, Jimin.

“I don't like coffee, it tastes so bitter. I prefer drinking this. You like it?” He pointed at my cup, asking if i like the hot chocolate and i excitedly nodded.

“I love it, specially your pancakes”

“Oh, here he goes” Joonie teasingly said still focused on his food. The audacity of this guy to tease me right in front of his brother. I just ignored him and continued to what i was about to say

“I don't know how you came up with that pancake recipe but i swear to God, it tastes heavenly. Can you teach me how to make those?” I mumbled, i looked at his reaction and he was fondly smiling at me, as if this was his first seeing a person complimenting his food. I felt a bit embarrassed after realizing i look like fanboying over his recipes. My cheeks feels like they're burning but i still manage to look at him in his eyes.

“D-did i say something wrong?” I tried laughing but it came out faintly. He was just staring at me and i don't really know how to react to it. I'm just silently praying that I didn't upset him but he's smiling, so, I think it's a good thing though.

“Do you love my pancakes that much?” the way he asked that wasn't in a mockingly way. It was like he just can't believe that someone really loves a simple breakfast dish and is fanboying over it.

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