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Jimin was suddenly awakened by his phone ringing. He scratched his head, a sign of annoyance, and searched for his phone with eyes still closed. It wasn't hard to find it since it was also vibrating. Luckily, it was just near him 'cause he's really gonna throw a fist to whoever is disturbing his sleep. It's Saturday and supposed to be his rest day.

He answered the call without even checking who it was and put it on his ears, "Hello?"

"Good morning" Jimin smiled when he heard his voice. Did he say that he was throwing a fist? That's a lie, a big fat lie. He loves hearing his voice in the morning.

"Good morning to you too" the younger answered with his morning husky voice that makes him sound so hot that made Namjoon fluster on the other line.

"D-did i wake you up?" Joon asked while stuttering. The younger hummed in return. "Sorry Minie. I just want to remind you about meeting my brother later at Vanffee's. It'll be around 1pm"

Jimin's mind still can't process what was the older was saying, he's too sleepy to understand everything. He didn't even manage to answer in return and let drowsiness to eat him.

"You're back to sleep, aren't you?" Namjoon guessed and chuckled by the obvious answer instead. "Sleep more baby, pick you up later" the older heard Jimin's little snores and that made him giggle to the younger's cuteness then he ended the call.


"Hi" a blur faced man said who's in front of me. Wait? is this a dream? I scanned my surrounding and it was nothing but white, i guess i am dreaming. I looked back at the man who's in front of me and he was just smiling at me, a boxy smile, and it suits him. I may not clearly every details of his face but that smile stood out.

"Who are you?" I asked. He didn't answer but his smile didn't fade. It wasn't creepy at all, his presence feels warmth, but I'm pretty sure that i haven't met a man with this kind of smile.

Suddenly he extend his right hand to me, as if asking me to hold it or to come with him, i looked at his right hand and there i saw a name imprinted on his wrist.

M-my name...

What is this? Why am i seeing a dream like this? Maybe, it was my imagination but this felt real. My heart is racing and it's not because im nervous or scared. It's the same feeling i felt everytime I'm with Namjoon.

This must be some sort of a joke. Yes, this is not true. I'm just dreaming, I'll wake up soon. I took a glance on the man in front of me, still his hand was extended to me, and there's a hint of pain painted on his face.

Why do i feel bad? why do i feel like running to him and give him comfort? Why do i feel like i don't want him to feel hurt and lonely? This is just a goddamn dream but why do i feel like this is real?

I need to wake up. This shit is eating me, for real. Somebody wake the shit out of me. I closed my eyes and trying to convice myself to wake up. When i felt a pang on my left cheek.

I opened my eyes and saw Jungkook's worried face. He's breathing too fast as if he just went for a ran, sweats are forming unto his forehead and those doe worried eyes are staring straight at me. He immediately hugged me when he saw that I'm already awake.

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