Chapter 12

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Today is mine and kookie birthday. Today is the day we both will turn 18 and today is the day when we will find our mate. " Knock - knock"

Someone knock on my door.

" Come in" I said and my door open and kookie come inside.

" Happy birthday 🎂🎉🎁 hyung" Kookie said and hug me.

" Happy birthday 🎂🎉🎁 kookie" I said and hug him back. Wait a minute why is his scent so strong today.

" Kookie are you on your heat today" I asked while sniffing his neck.

" No, and this should be my question. Your scent is so strong " He said and sniff my neck. And I MOANED damm what is happening to me. I tighten my arms around his waist and bring him closer. We both look at each other in eyes and came closer and closer when suddenly

" Happy birthday" Mom, dad, our friends and our hyung shouted. And came inside of our room. We broke our hug and stand there blushing.

" Thank you" We said and all of them came towards us and hug us and congratulate us.


Now it's finally the time. I am here in my room dressing up. You can do this jeongguk. I said to myself. I go outside and start going towards the living room where the party is happening. Wow I must say cause they decorated the hose very beautifully.

" Here you are gguk" Xiumin hyung said and hug me.

" We were waiting for you" He said but my eyes we're finding someone.

" Hyung where is kookie" I asked.

" Oh kook - there he is" He said and pointed on behind me. I turn around and as soon as I turn around everything stops for me. My eyes became widen and mouth slightly open. You ask me why well let me tell you kookie is coming towards me with wearing a very beautiful dress. And damm he is looking so hot and sexy ohhhhh and well his ass is looking so nice. I was busy checking him that didn't know he is standing in front of me.

" H-hyung " Jungkook shyly said with red cheeks and I came out of my dream which was not-so-innocent.

" Oh hey kookie. You are looking beautiful " I said and look at him from head to toe.

" Thanks. You are looking so handsome " He said and smile.

" Oh you both are here. Come on there is only 1minute left to reach the clock to 12" Mom said we nodded and go towards the living room.

" 10" They started counting and I can see that all girls were fixing there make up. Ohhhh they don't know I am  not there mate 😆😆😆.










And that's it when the clock hits at 12 an very very sweet smell hit my nose. It smells like strawberry and vanilla. I close my eyes and follow the smell.

When I know that I am in front of the person I open my eyes and my wolf imidietly said "Mate" My eyes colour change into red colour.

But when I look at the person who is my mate I became shock. And that person reaction is also the same. I thought that I am wrong but when that person said " Mate" And his eyes changes into red colour ibecame more shock. All the people are looking at us with the same shock look.

" K-kookie" I said to jungkook who is I think is my mate.

" H-hyung " Kookie said.

" W-what how. How can this be possible aren't we brothers" Kookie said and I don't know why I feel the pain in my chest when he said that. But I am also so happy that he is my mate.

" Yeah how can this be possible" All of them started whispering.

" Gguk, kook are you both sure that you both are not misunderstood " Chanyeol hyung asked while he is still in the shock.

" No we are not misunderstood. I can sniff the scent on kookie. And also gguk said he is my mate" I said and look at jungkook who is looking at me also.

" But how can this be possible" Just hyung asked.

" Gguk how can this be possible " I asked my wolf.

" What aren't you happy that kookie is your mate" Gguk asked

" That's not what I mean. I am so happy that kookie is my mate but how can this be possible " I said.

" Oh anything is possible. And also think about the line in that book so you will understand. Bye" Gguk said and then I started thinking of what the line says.

That's when it finally hit me. Now I understand what that line means.

" Jungkook" I said.

" Yes hyung"

" Marry me" I said and kookie all the people who are present there gasped and froze at there place.

" WHAT" Jungkook shouted.

" What are you saying hyung. How can I marry you" He asked while looking at me with a shock face.

" Yeah gguk what are you saying " Mom asked.

" But we have to" I said and they all look at me with questionable look.

" What do you mean by you have to" Luhan hyung asked.

" See now I finally understand what the line on that book means. The line means when the demons think of taking over the world and making people there slaves. Two Royal blood will come and save them. But they both are the one who are unexpected but they are fated to each other. If they want to kill the darkness they have to become one. That means me and kookie are the two Royal blood wolf. We both are the one unexpected but we both are fated to each other. And if we want to kill the darkness we have to become one. That means we have to marry each other" I explain to them and look like they understood.

" Do that means you have to marry each other. And that's the only way you both can kill that demon" Dad asked and I nodded.

" But how can I marry my own brother " Kookie asked.

" But we have to kookie. And also we both are mates, and not just normal mateswe both are fated mates. We both can't live apart from each other. So we have to marry one day" I said and came closer to him and caress his cheeks. His scent is driving me crazy. But I have to control myself.

" But-" He said but suddenly all the people in there kneel down. We look at them with a shock face.

" Please jungkook please marry jeongguk " They said.

" Please we don't want to die" They said even our school bully are also pleasing at him and I look at kookie for his answer. He sigh.

" O-ok I will marry you hyung" He said and all of them cheer. I smile slightly and kiss his cheeks and hug him. He hug me back but a little tightly, it's not that I mind though. And snuggle into my neck.

Now I finally understand why gguk always tell me to not worry about my mate. Cause I will surely love my mate. Well he was not wrong I love my mate so much.

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