Chapter Seven

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     Day four.


     I woke up at like 9:00 and put on a cute yellow sundress with little white flowers all over it. I even went as far as to add a cute straw hat so I would be all set for the orange grove. I also put on more makeup than usual; I wanted to look good.

     Tom and I left at 10:00. We stopped at a small cafe to grab some brunch, then headed on to the orange grove.

      The place was huge. It was nothing like I had imagined. There was a separate place where you could eat at a restaurant there, then there were little shops and places to take pictures. Then there was the massive orange grove that went on for miles. In the front of the grove there were a couple picnic tables which was the perfect place for a romantic lunch.

     We went straight to the grove, where a worker picked some oranges for us and allowed us to try some freshly-picked ones. I peeled one and put a piece into my mouth, then said, "Mhhm, Tom it's so good!"

     "Really? I'm glad you like it."

     "Try some," I said, holding a piece for him to try.

     He shook his head. "Nah, I told you, I'm not an orange person."

     "But you have to try some! Just a tiny piece, okay?" I asked with a smile.

     "Alright, fine." He gave in, and I put a piece in his mouth.

     "Oh, it's not bad," he said. "The juicy-ness is actually quite refreshing."

     "I know right!" I laughed, and we walked on, feeding each other bits of the orange until there was none left.

After about an hour of wandering mindlessly through the orange grove and giggling unnecessarily, we made our way back to the front of the grove, and took a seat at one of the picnic tables. We just sat and smiled at each other until Tom broke the silence by whispering, "I never thought I could be so happy with a fake fiancé."

I didn't have a response to that, but I was sure that my rosy cheeks said enough.

Then Tom stood from the picnic table and walked around it to my side, and sat down on my bench. He just looked at me with a faint smile on his lips.

"Why'd you come over here?" I asked.

I knew why.

He shrugged, and looked away. "Just to be closer to you, I suppose."

Then there was a pause. It felt like years until he spoke again, even though it was probably only a minute or two. In those two minutes, though, I was starting to shake, and the butterflies were more powerful than ever before.

"You know," Tom let off a dry laugh, still looking in the opposite direction from me. "After Bianca and I split, I decided to focus on my career, and not let anything or anyone stray me from that path."

     My heart started pounding.

     "Now, only having spent a few days with you, I..."

     My breaths became heavier and longer.

     "...I'm beginning to rethink my decision."

     And there it was. He'd finally said it. My heart was in my throat, and I could barely breathe. I slightly turned my head in his direction, but I had no words. There was nothing I could say to that.

     "Tom." It was all I could say. It was all that would come out.

     He turned to face me, and I faced him. We looked each other in the eyes. Usually, when I was uncomfortable or scared, I would divert my eyes from the person I was speaking to. But in that moment, I didn't think diverting my eyes would be a good idea. It was better to stare back, and smile.

     Then, he leaned in. I leaned in.

     I could hear his breathing, and smell his cologne and hairspray. Our lips were so close, with one more inch, there would no longer be any space between us.

     Then I felt Tom's arm snake around my torso, and I tensed up. He gave me a slight smirk. But in an instant, his smile was gone, and he pulled away, and stood. After a couple seconds, he looked at me, and told me that it was best if we headed back to the house; it was supposed to rain today.

    I checked my weather app. It wasn't supposed to rain any day this week. But I understood him, so I boarded up in the car, and rode with him all the way home in an awkward silence.

     I didn't see Tom much the rest of that day. Not until dinner, and then after dinner it was like he was avoiding me. I didn't like it.

     Just because we almost kissed was no reason to pretend I was the plague.

Hey guys! Woahhhhh it's finally starting to heat up! It's gettin hot in hereee, LETS KEEP ON ALL OUR CLOTHES!
Haha omg I'm so stupid😂anywaysss
Pls pls leave a vote or a comment if you enjoyed and thanks to everyone for all their support!
Come back tomorrow when I'll be posting the next chapter!

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