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It was after school and i was walking to my car when i saw someone left a note on my car "youll regret it"  it read. I walked and tossed it in my bag. I saw the boys run to me "why arent you playing soccer with us." They asked "Because my carrier requires sacrifice. And i cant play i have to get another science class. "  they are whined "lets go ill make you guys food at the house." They are ran excited and got in the cars. When we got there i opened the gate and we drove in. My parents where ganna be out on a date night so i knew i could make a bit more noise. We walked in and i ran to my room robert followed and the boys headed for the kitchen i changed into something i wouldnt stain while cooking and robert was watching me when i sat on his lap and we started talking. "I love you" i said. He turned pale and hugged me. "I love you too" he said back. The boys came in and mocked us. I laughed and got off to go make food. 

Roberts pov

Payson left and the boys started asking me questions. "How are you guys doing?" Kai asked me. "We are fine i talked with her and i told her she was important to me" i replied. "So when r u guys ganna bone again." Mattia asked winking. We all laughed and i turned red. "She wanted to do it in the unisex bathroom at school" i said in a low voice and they all looked at me like that was hot. " and?" Roshaun alvaro and ale asked. "We didnt. I told her to wait till we got home but she gave me a blowjob" i said turning red. "You have one of the hottest girls in school" alo said. "The other one is layla michaels your girlfriends best friend." Mattia said. I looked at them and shook my head. " foods ready" we herd payson yell from downstairs. We ran downstairs and she was serving food. They all hugged her as a thank you. And i kissed her. We sat down to eat and i sat her on my lap. "Sooo payson" the boys echoed each other. " when are you inviting layla over" i looked. And the boys where all staring at her. " one of these days but you guys aren't coming over you'll scare her away" she said laughing.  They all started shouting and she looked at them "ill call her over today but dont try to hop on her. Your ganna scare her away" she told them. "However she does like one of you but then again the girls do like all of you" she told them and they all choked on food. I laughed with payson and they kept eating. "Their on their way" they looked shook. "We have to change." They ran upstairs and looked thru their gym bags and changed. They came back downstairs and finished cleaning with me she got a call from layla and she told me they where outside. I opened the door and they came in. The boys sat in the living room. The girls came in their bathing suits and i walked passed them to payson. The girls went to the back and the boys went to change and raced to the pool. I saw payson comming down and she jumped on my back "i love u" she said and i kissed her. "I love you too." I replied and we left outside with everyone.
Ale this is jessie
Mattia this is layla
Alo this is desarae
Roshaun this is lexa
And kai this is zaraya
Payson let them to the girl that had the crush on them and they just talked.
We where going into winter break and paysons parents where going to be out of town all two weeks.
"Where was my invite?" We turned to look at the door and steph was there standing at the steps of the back door. I got mad "ROBERT" i herd payson call me.

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