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"How was she?" Shanzay asked Hashim as they stood at the grave.

"She was strong. She fought till her last breath." Hashim said.

"You love her so much." Shanzay smiled.

"Yes I do. More than you think. You know I asked Zain to meet her before proposing her. I wanted him to see her and he said if I love her I should just ask her no matter what. I still insisted and when he met her he said that I would never meet any girl more perfect for me than her. I just spent two years with her. Just two years and those two years were the most beautiful and peaceful years of my whole life. I came to know the real meaning of life. She made me the man I am today." Hashim kept talking until his voice became wet and he had to stop to held his sob.

"She was amazing woman then." Shanzay smiled.

"I can't give her place to anybody." Hashim turned towards her.

"You shouldn't." Shanzay put her hand on his forearm. "She deserves that."

"You think that?" Hashim asked.

"Yes. I do." Shanzay nodded.

"Thank you." Hashim sighed.

"We are getting late." Shanzay pointed at her wrist watch." Hashim nodded and they both came out of the grave yard.


That night Hashim went to the villa and went straight to the balcony. Soon Humna joined him. They both stood in silence for a long time.

"Can you believe this?" She asked him.

"No I can't. But I have to." Hashim sighed.

"How can he do this?" Humna said.

"I don't know. Sometimes you are so blind to understand what you are doing."

"What do we do now?" Humna asked.

"Nothing. We just wait."

"For what?"

"For the right time." Hashim smiled at her.

"I cant believe Zain Bhai knew this all the time and he didn't tell us." Humna shook her head.

"He too was waiting for the right time. Moreover he just wanted to tell me, you just heard accidently."

"Can we do something?" Humna asked.

"No. We don't have any clue." Hasim replied.

"But the coat button?" Humna asked, confused.

"He lost it. Also we have to get the coat to prove the evidence." Hashim explained, then continued, "Now I can understand why he wants Moona to work under Aasim."

"Why?" Humna asked. Now she was standing with her back to railing of the balcony.

"Because she is Ubaid's daughter and the presence of her daughter will lead him to make a mistake and we just have to wait for that."

"Then why did Aasim hired her?"

"To use her against her father."

"How can Zain Bhai let this happen to Moona phupho?"Humna asked with wide eyes.

"This is a murder case my dear, more bad things will happen."

"This is sick!" Humna said in disgust. "Anyway, Haris sent a proposal for me." She told him.

"So what is your answer gonna be?" Hashim asked, folding his arms across his chest.

"You knew?" Humna straightened.

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