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Yumna came out in the lawn after Zain and Moona had gone outside. She was not feeling well since the incident. Should I tell them what had happened? She thought to herself then shook her head furiously denying her own thoughts. She stopped pacing around and sat on one of the chairs placed on the grass. Her eyes were darting here and there. Suddenly she felt someone presence behind her. She turned and sighed with relief as she saw Hashim standing there. He was looking intently at her. Yumna turned back. Hashim came and sat across her on another chair.

"So how are you?" He said after a long pause. Yumna turned her gaze from the grass and looked at him.

"I am fine!" She said.

"Then why don't you seem like?" He asked.

"It will take time." She sighed.

"Yumna? What happened back there? Did they torture you?" Hashim leaned forward in his chair. Yumna shook her head but the tears forming in her eyes gave Hashim the hint that something was wrong. "Then what are you hiding?"

"They sold me to a brothel!! Isn't that enough??" Yumna yelled.

"Okay, okay! Relax, It's okay. I was just trying to help you." Hashim quickly leaned back.

"I know, I am sorry! It's just.." Yumna sniffled, now in a low voice.

"It's okay, really!" Hashim assured her. They both sat in silence.

"The night Ubaid uncle rescued me.." Yumna said after a while, eyes on the table placed between them. Hashim was listening intently.

"A customer came bhai, he tried to..." She stopped, Hashim's face was white with shock but he didn't interept her. After some moments Yumna spoke.

"He tried to rape me. Uncle was just on time!" She was now sobbing. Hashim quickly stood up from his chair and sat beside her.

"If Ubaid uncle had not come that night..."

"Yumna please, don't say anything. Thank God you are alright and with your family now. It will take some time but you'll pull yourself together." Hashim interpted her.

"Please don't tell anybody!" Yumna pleaded.

"Is this a question to be asked?" Hashim smiled.

"What's going on here?" Moona's voice made them turn back. She and Zain were standing behind them. They both had returned.

"Nothing special! You tell? What did you guys decide?" Hashim asked standing up and coming towards them. Zain eyed him suspiciously. Yumna had also turned towards them.

"What do you mean?" Moona asked.

"Well, I know! He told me about your proposal." Hashim shrugged. Yumna's eyes opened wide.

"You proposed him phupho?" She exclaimed suddenly. Moona nodded. Zain rolled his eyes.

"So you became Zainab instead of Zain!" She looked at Zain innocently.

"Shut up!" Zain laughed.

"Okay, she is back!" Hashim smiled.

"Yumna, come, lets have some ice cream!" Zain said.

"I am not in mood!" She shook her head.

"Of course you are. Come on. Never say no to ice cream!" He said. Yumna nodded hesitantly.

"I have to go too." Moona said.

"Where?" Hashim asked.

"I have to tell baba about this." She said.

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