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"Say cheese!"

We smiled and made silly faces for the camera that was held by the official photographer of the day. Of course, we showed off our graduation gowns and our diplomas. It was a once in a lifetime moment, so we had to flaunt it.

Graduating high school could be either a 'I'm so happy that I'm finally getting out of this shithole' moment or 'I'm going to miss this place and my friends so much' moment. Your heart is either relieved or heavy. This is no in between.

As for me, mine is definitely heavy. Standing here with my bestest friend Kera and my boyfriend Riley is making me miss high school days already. They are the best people ever and I'm going to miss them so, so much.

College is going to be so different. I've heard so many people's college experiences and they all terrify me. I don't know if I'm prepared for it yet. I don't know if I'll ever be prepared for it. But then again, I have no choice.

"Bella, come on! They're serving lava cakes for desert!" shouted Kera from a distance.

My eyes widened and I immediately speed-walked after her. Not passing up an opportunity of tasting heaven.

"You're such a sucker for these things, it's cute." Said my cute boyfriend.

"Come on Riley, as if you can give these up! Lava cakes are my weakness. You know that!"

"Of course babe. But, let me tell you that it won't be easy making that as our wedding cake."

I instantly blushed. Riley has been hinting about marriage to me since the start of my senior year. He recently even hinted about proposing. I was really shocked at first. It was even kind of pressurizing if I'm being honest. But after given much thought to it, I realized that he wholeheartedly loves me and wants to spend the rest of his life with me. And that makes me really happy. I'm lucky to have Riley.

I gave him the biggest grin I could make. "You better mister or you won't find me there."

He laughed. "We wouldn't want that now, do we?"

I giggled and as a response, he leaned in to kiss me. Like a reflex, I closed my eyes and kissed him back. He placed his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. He tried to deepen the kiss but I pushed him away slightly to let him know that I don't want to give a free show to the people around us.

"Oh thank God you stopped. Because if you hadn't, I would have puked my guts out and that wouldn't be a nice sight." Kera said quite dramatically.

Riley jokingly rolled his eyes while I chuckled. "Come on, you're exaggerating."

"Sure I was." She said and stuck her tongue out in a childish manner.

"You're a child, Kera. Anyways I'm going to Dad. I think he needs an escape from your Aunt."

Kera looked over and found my dad at the clutches of her Aunt Molly who is single just like my Dad.

"Oh God, you're right. She is not going to stop. Go and save him please."

I nodded and started walking over to my Dad. As I was strolling my way through, all of a sudden and out of nowhere someone stood in front of me, causing me to halt in my step so abruptly and unexpectedly. And very closely, I might add. My head turned left and right and a confused expression developed on my face.

"Wha- How di- Where did yo-" I said as I was trying to figure out what just happened. Then, I cleared my throat to talk like an actual and normal human. "Where did you come from? I didn't see you walking or being anywhere near me." I said backing away a few steps to create some distance between the suspicious stranger and I.

"Hi!" He beamed. "You don't know me but I know you. And I have something for you." The stranger's smile felt off to me. It seemed so....robotic. That was when I started getting a little freaked out by this weird, random dude.

He then took out an envelope that was sealed with wax from the inside of his black blazer. I frowned. Who even uses a wax seal anymore? The stranger moved his arm towards me, handing the envelope to me. I took a peek at the envelope and found the words 'To Bella Rosenberg' written in a cursive font on it. I shifted my gaze back to the stranger with curiousity and doubt swimming in my eyes. "What is this?"

His lips twitched as if he suppressed a smile that was itching to form. "It's an envelope with a letter inside as you can see. It's addressed to you as you can read. But you are to only open it tomorrow."

I found myself glaring at him as he was starting to piss me off real good. "Why?"

He smiled wider. "You'll find out soon enough and you'll be seeing me soon enough. Goodbye, Bella Rosenberg."

Instead of waiting for my reply, he started to walk away before I could even process what just happened. I quickly got to my senses again and shouted, "Hey, stranger!"

He paused and shot me a questioning look. "Who are you?" I asked.

Almost immediately, he smirked and took off without even bothering to answer my question. What a weird douche.

Who is he? How and why does he know my name? What does he want with me?

What is in this letter he gave me?

He did say I was to only open it tomorrow. But I'm curious as hell. Oh what the hell, he can't possibly know when I open it. Ignoring the cynical voice in my head, I started to remove the wax.

"Ouch!" I screeched and let go of the envelope in shock. I can't believe I'm asking this but did the wax just.......bit me? Is that even possible? It felt like it was punishing me for not listening to that strange stranger. I contemplated leaving the envelope behind. But something about just bugs me.

Shaking every uncomfortable feeling away, I picked up the envelope and made my towards Dad like I was supposed to. Before I was rudely interrupted.


"I can't believe you already graduated high school. Seems like it was just yesterday that it was your first day of school. You grow up too fast." Dad said as he tugged me in bed. He doesn't usually do that but he want to today. He must be feeling emotional. I didn't stop him because like him, I was feeling emotional too. He is my father after all.

I smiled at him. "I'm going to miss you Dad."

He smiled back at me with a tinge of gloom and kissed my forehead. "Me too honey, me too. Sleep tight and only have good dreams, okay?"

I grinned. "Okay. You too."

He smiled and was about to leave the room but paused when I called him. "I love you, Dad."

He turned and gave me a sweet smile. "I love you too, honey." He said and left to his room.

I sighed a happy sigh. "Happy graduation to me." I whispered. Closing my eyes shut, I let my dreams take over, hoping that college life would be good to me.

Little did I know that, that there was a surprise coming my way.


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