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"Today we have a new student joining us." Mrs. Cooper said with much excitement. "Go ahead and introduce yourself."

"Sup, the name's Kai." He winked.

I rolled my eyes. Of course, he would enroll in my school and be in my class. I don't even wanna know how he managed that.

One day ago,

"The Rewind Program? Rewound? Reviewed my life?"

"If you would let me explain," Eye-opener 104 rolled his eyes. "The Rewind Program is about giving people a chance. Just one chance. To open their eyes. To let them see what they didn't see before. We bring our subjects back in time. Specifically to the time where they were blind to certain issues and when everything went downhill. Rewound is a worldwide organization that reviews people's lives and gives some of them a chance of a redo. We know everything that happens all over the world."

"What do you mean by 'review people's lives'?"

"We look into their future." He said with indifference.

"What?! How's that possible?"

"Ellie, I just told you that we bring people back in time and you're still asking about possibilities?"

"Fine. But you said subjects. Like with an 's'. Does that mean there are other people who are going through this program?"

"Not yet. You're the first one actually. Usually, we just focus on a specific issue that a subject missed and bring them back to that time of their life. But this is the first time we have such a program and also the first time that we made such a big time jump. You're like our little experiment." He said cheekily.

"WHAT?!" I smacked his arm. "How could you! What if something goes wrong?"

"Nothing will go wrong, you can trust me and Rewound."

"But why me?! I don't understand why I got chosen for this program. I remember my senior year being really great."

His lips pulled into a sad smile. "You'll find out soon."

"I'm starting to hate those words." I sighed. "Then, what's your role, and why are you called an Eye-opener? What's that?"

"I'm called an Eye-opener because I'm here to open your eyes to things or people you didn't see before. I'm here to make sure you find out about the issues that made a huge impact on your future—your life."

I nodded in understanding. "Then, how did you pull that stunt in my car?"

"Oh, you'll love this one." He beamed. "We're given gifts by our CEO when we officially become an Eye-opener. Everyone's gift is different. I'm sure you know what's mine by now."

My eyes widened. "Seriously? You call teleportation a gift?! That's a freaking superpower!"

"Hey, I'm one of the lucky ones. Not everyone gets a gift like mine." He said with much smugness.


"Because I'm special, duh."

I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, so your name is Eye-opener 104? You don't have like a real name?"

"I wasn't given one."

"That's kind of sad."

We both went silent. Then, an idea popped into my head. "You know what, I'm going to give you a name. 'Eye-opener 104' is just too long."

His eyes glistened. "Ooh, I'm excited. What will you name me?"

After much thought, I finally got found the perfect name for him. "You know, you remind me of Kai Parker from The Vampire Diaries. So I'm going to name you Kai!" I said proudly.

"Ugh, what's up with you and vampires?"

"Excuse you, Kai Parker is a warlock."

"Fine, let's just go with that." He said making me grin at his reply.

"So any more questions?" Kai asked.

"Yeah, one more. How do you guys do all these? Like time traveling, seeing the future, and tele-freaking-portation?"

Kai grinned. "That would be a company secret."

I rolled my eyes. "So what now?"

"Now, it's time for you to get discharged and go home so you can get some rest."


"Because tomorrow, you're going to school, dearie."

I cringed and so did he. "Ew, don't call me that."

"Yeah, it sounded better in my head."

Back to present time,

After Kai's stupid introduction, Mrs. Cooper asked him to take a seat at the empty chair that so conveniently happened to be beside mine.

I haven't completely comprehended the situation I was in because it was just too ridiculous. I know it's real because I'm in freaking high school again but all these still feel like a bad dream. And the fact that there is some mystical organization that can time travel is absurd. I still think someone is just playing a huge prank on me. Or I want to believe so.

"Hey Ellie, missed me?"

I glared at the boy beside me. Now that I properly looked at him, he looked like he was at least two years older than me. And kind of handsome. But, I shook that thought away.

"So, how does this program work?"

"Here's the plan. I'll give you a clue about each issue you were blind to. I won't tell how many there are but you'll know when it's the last one. The clue will help you unveil the issue but don't worry, I'll be there every step of the way."

"Do all Eye-openers give clues?" I asked as I felt like the clue thing wasn't the norm.

"Every Eye-opener's method is different. Some of them take a direct approach. But I like to make my subjects work for it." He grinned.

"You love torturing people, don't you?"

"It's nice to know that you already know me."

I eyed him judgingly. "So what's my first clue?"

"Ah, going straight to work I see. Don't worry, you'll get it soon enough. Now, focus in class, Ellie."

I groaned because he was so annoying. Seriously, who gave birth to him? Wait, was he even given birth to? Oh my God. I have so many questions now.

Today is going to be a very long day.

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