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I felt so stupid.

I felt like the stupidest person in the whole wide world. How was I so blind? How did I not see this? How was I so oblivious?

How could Riley do this to me? I could feel my anger spiraling out of control. That is when I knew, I was going to do something really stupid. I mean I am stupid, so why not contribute more to my stupidity, right?

Kai could almost see the smoke coming out of my ears. He held my arms and looked into my eyes.

"Ellie, you have to calm down. I know this is a lot to take in but-" He paused to find the right words. "-let's just go somewhere else. You can release your anger there."

"No." I shook my head. "I'm gonna release it here."

I pushed Kai's hands away and walked towards the Ultrasound room. He realized what I was doing and teleported in front of me.

"Trust me, Bella, you don't wanna do this."

"Trust me Eye-opener 104, I want to do this." Kai winced at my rudeness.

I walked around him and violently opened the room door. Everyone inside the room flinched due to the loud sound that the door made. My eyes fell on Riley who was holding the woman's hand while she was getting her belly rubbed by the doctor. He seemed shocked at the sight of me.

"Riley, what a surprise meeting you here! Holy moly, is that your child? Damn Rils, you wanted to keep that a secret from me? How could you?" I said using the sweetest tone laced with sarcasm. "And you must be the bitch who slept with my boyfriend! Oh how so not nice to meet you."

"Ma'am, you're not supposed to come in here. Please leave before I call security."

"Oh don't worry doc, this won't take long. I just have to get some things straight here. Look you disgusting piece of shit, don't ever come near me again because if you did, I won't hesitate to hire a gang to beat your cheating ass. And you, whore, stop sleeping with taken men for the sake of your unborn child." I flashed both of my middle fingers to them and left the room.

"Bella, wait!" Riley said as he touched my arm.

"Don't touch me." I violently pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I never meant for this to happen, I swear, I kn-" I stopped him with a slap to his face.

"You're not sorry for what you did Riley, you're sorry that you got caught. Tell me one thing, were you planning to marry me despite having a child with some other girl?"

His eyes widened. "I-I would n-never-"

"Tell me the truth, Riley."

He looked down and stayed silent.

I grabbed his shirt aggressively. "Tell. Me. The. Truth."


I shoved him away. "Rot in hell."


The lake was peaceful.

Staring at the lake always makes me feel peaceful. That is exactly what I needed right now. But even the most peaceful place couldn't bring me peace.

After leaving the hospital, I drove up to here because this was the only place I could think of. Kai was nowhere to be found. I didn't bother finding him either. He probably finds me pathetic. He probably thinks of me as a girl who couldn't even please her boyfriend that he needed to go and sleep with an older woman.

"Need company?"

I jerked my head towards the voice and found Kai sitting a few centimeters away from me. How did he find me here?

"Took at least about ten guesses."

"Can you read my mind?" I asked surprised.

"No, but I can read your facial expressions."

"Oh." I looked down.

"Are you....okay?"

I almost said 'yes' as if it was an automatic reaction to cover up my real feelings. But with Kai, I didn't need to pretend. He knows everything. There's no point in lying.


"It'll get better Ellie. It always does."

"I just don't understand why he would want to marry me when he has a child. It doesn't make sense." I said while preventing my tears from falling.

Kai moved to sit closer to me. "He didn't want to be held responsible for that child."

"He was going to abandon them?"

Kai nodded with worry in his eyes. Then, it all made sense. I gasped at the shocking reality. Riley was going to use me to get rid of them. He was planning to trap me in a marriage that will turn a disaster. He was going to ruin my life. This time, I let my tears fall.

"He's so horrible, I can believe I ever loved him." I cried harder.

Kai hesitantly put his arms around me. I gripped onto his shirt and wailed into his chest. His warmth was the only thing that was slightly comforting at the moment.

"You accepted the love you thought you deserved."

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