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"No, no, no, and no" I chanted the moment I saw a familiar figure.

I was lying on my bed, using my phone when Kai teleported to my room, scaring the living hell out of me.

"Today's a Saturday and I have plans to laze around and lie in bed all day, so go away." I said and placed my pillow on my face to block him out.

"Nope, not allowing you to be boring." He said as he removed the pillow from my face.

"But, I wanna be boring" I whined, sitting up straight.

"Let's play twenty questions." Kai said excitedly as he sat on my bed.

"But why?"

"I'll go first. What country do you most want to visit?" He asked, ignoring my question.

I groaned. "I don't know, maybe somewhere in Europe? Now, my turn. Why are we playing this game?"

"Just because. My turn. Where in Europe?"

"Ur, Greece? My turn. What's the real reason we're playing this game?"

"I told you, just because. My turn. Why Greece?"

"Because I like Greek mythology. My turn. Why do you wanna know where I wanna travel to?"

"Just because. My turn. Specifically where in Greece?"

"I don't know, Athens, I guess. My turn. What are you doing here Kai?"

"We're going to Athens." He said and climbed out of my bed.

I stared at him wide-eyed. "No, we're not"

"Yes, we are" He grinned. I stared at him while wondering if he lost some screws from his head. It was hard to tell actually. Because despite the cute goofy grin on his face, he looks serious about it.

"Okay, let's just say, we're going to Athens. How exactly are we going?"

"Are you forgetting my extraordinary gift?"

"You can teleport that far and teleport another person at the same time?" My jaw dropped.

"You're underestimating my gift, Ellie" He grinned. "Now, go freshen up and get changed, because we're going to have one hell of a trip!"

"Wait, how long is this trip?"

"Just a day. I could only make sure your Dad doesn't come home until tomorrow."

I gasped. "What did you do?"

"No more questions, go get ready lady! Time is precious!" He said and pushed me into the bathroom.

I stared at my reflection through the mirror. I was actually going to Athens! I almost squealed at that thought. If Kai wasn't right outside, I would've been jumping for joy. With a silly smile, I quickly got ready and went outside to see Kai lying on my bed.

"Do I need to bring anything important? Like I'm not sure if you can teleport my stuff as well so I don't know if I should pack anything"

"We'll be back by tonight, so your call"


One whole day spent in a different country with Kai. Just the both of us. Is this a date?

"Are you ready to experience the wonders of teleportation?" Kai said while he stood up.

I walked over to him. "How does this work? What do I have to do?"

"You have to come closer"

I eyed him suspiciously but walked closer to him anyways.

"Closer, Ellie" Kai said with a serious expression.

I took a step closer. Something about getting closer to him made me nervous. We have hugged more than once. We even held hands. And yet, I could feel my heart beating faster.

His eyes darted to the space between us. He shook his head as if he disapproved of the space. He moved so close to me that I no longer had any personal space. I gasped at his bold move. What is he doing?

His eyes moved to meet mine. They held so much intensity that my breathing hitched in my throat. His arms slowly wrapped around my waist making me flinch at the sudden contact. I awkwardly placed my hands on his chest which made him smile.

"What are you doing?" I asked, trying to sound unaffected.

"Teleporting us. You ready?"

I nodded as I tried hard to ignore his chest under my hands, his arms around my waist, and his eyes which settled on me.

"This might feel weird, so close your eyes. And Ellie?"

"Hm?" I replied. His eyes stared into my soul as I stared right into his.

"Never let go"

His grip on me tightened as I felt the ground shake beneath me. I immediately closed my eyes and pressed my face into his chest. The ground started shaking aggressively that it felt like an earthquake just hit us. After a few seconds, it all stopped.

"Ellie, we're here" Kai's soft voice reached my ears.

I slowly looked up from his chest and found that we were no longer in my bedroom. Oh my God, we're in freaking Greece! Kai was watching me with an amused smile as he let me go.

"OMG, we're actually in Athens! This is so freaking awesome! Even though the whole teleporting thing was kind of nauseating."

"Yeah, the first time's usually like that. Now come on, I planned a day tour of Greek mythological sites."

I stared at him in surprise. "But, you only found out that I wanted to go to Greece like just now"

"I researched and planned while you were getting ready. It wasn't that hard." He shrugged.

I was speechless. This is the nicest possible thing anyone has ever done for me. Even though he has superpowers and this might be part of his job, I'm still grateful to him.

"We're actually at our first destination. The Temple of Olympian Zeus." He said and pointed towards some very tall pillars which looked royal and ancient.

"It's so beautiful! Come on, let's go!" I said excitedly making Kai laugh in amusement. He took my hand in his and led us to the temple.

I couldn't help but smile at the sight of our intertwined hands.

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